Thursday, July 5, 2012

Letter to Bruce

Busy! You've no idea - up at 5:30, blogging, writing for the NZGardener, emailing colleagues, a round of leg-stretching and weight-lifting, making porridge and reading the paper. I had a letter in The Southland Times today, about alchemy and fortune telling. The editor abridged my letter, taking out one word, "Bruce" and rearranging my tenses somewhat, thank you, sir  :-)

Here it is.

I was very disappointed to read that Federated Farmers are still using magic to predict the future (June 30)
President Bruce Wills said that he'd looked into his crystal ball and seen the future for farming and that it was genetically engineered.
 Not only does his fortune-telling go back to the Middle Ages when soothsayers used smoke, mirrors and crystal balls to befuddle the public, so too does his advice to employ genetic engineers, the modern-day alchemists, to improve farm productivity. 
  It's time to throw away that starry turban and crystal ball and apply some commonsense to farming.


Anonymous said...

Have you re-inserted it in the one you have posted here or is there another 'Bruce' missing from the text?

Also what type of weight-lifting have you done? I have told you time and time again bodyweight training is the way to go.

robertguyton said...

It was body-weight, Sensei.

Shunda barunda said...

You don't look that heavy to me, 'sinuey' perhaps!

robertguyton said...

I carry a lot of the word's weight on my shoulders, Shunda, and my ego is a weighty beast :-)

Shunda barunda said...

Yeah I tried that, too bloody heavy.

Now I have decided to become ultra cynical, all I need now is a veranda, a rocking chair, and a shot gun!! ;)

robertguyton said...

And the scent of a feud in your nostrils!

Shunda barunda said...

Oh Yeah!!

I forgot that.

robertguyton said...

Play that twangin' banjo, six-fingered coast-boy!

Shunda barunda said...

Ok then swede munchin Southland son!!

robertguyton said...

Dang! Me proclivities hung out on the line for all to see and finger-poke!

Shunda barunda said...

Yer gonna bring up Me extra dergits, I'm gawner expose yer proclivities!!

robertguyton said...

We should never have undone the lid on your ink-u-bator, Shunda.
I toll Ma!

Shunda barunda said...

No wonder Ma dinna listen! look what she lets grand mammy do to me when I was a youngin:

robertguyton said...

Explains your love of flying and rugby.