Thursday, July 5, 2012

Other Councillors blog

Did you know that? It's not just me. Here's one from the troubled far-north.

" This was probably the most secretive underhand conduct I have ever seen from the leadership of the Council, reminiscent the bad old days of the previous executive. If there were small parts of the discussion that actually needed to be confidential, then the public could have been excluded from those particular parts, not the entire debate. After all the public talk about operating Council more openly, this was a very dark day for transparent democracy in Kaipara, and a sad and sorry indictment on the leadership of the Council."


Anonymous said...

Mr Workboot doesn't hold back does he?!

Anonymous said...

Regrettably the local government scene in New Zealand is out of control. Loopy Len, Kaipara, and my local, the Taupo District Council, are all examples of shopaholics on the ratepayers dime. There seems to be no reigning them in.

A fair amount of it has to be sheeted home to Liarbour and their meddling. Fancy giving local wideboys the power of general competence? It's no surprise they're out of control.


robertguyton said...

He doesn't much, wildcrafty. He must be a handful for his chair :-)

robertguyton said...

Complete and utter hyperbolic nonsense from you, paranormal, "out of control', my eye! Kaipara certainly is a mess and there are a few others, very few mind you, that need oversight, but the general scene is one of ... control. As for 'sheeting home', it's all you do, paranormal, sheet problems, whatever they might be, 'home to Labour'. You've a wee obsession there and it's making you a very grumpy man!

DarkHorse said...

It is happening far closer to home than you might thin RG

the dreaded subversives are everywhere!

And it was the Tories and Treasury that decided councils didn't carry enough debt on their assets and it was them who encouraged the profligacy.

They had the same fixation about the SOE's toto - load everything with debt and call it .. intergenerational equity - our poor children!

These fools have sold them into slavery.