Thursday, July 5, 2012

Frana Cardno writes a blog!

How ignorant I have been! It's not til now, thanks to a prompt from the ever-vigilant darkhorse, that I've discovered that the mayor of Southland writes a blog!
I'm quite embarrassed to have missed that.
I've read only a few of her many posts, but for now would like to recommend this one, where Frana talks about lignite mining. I found it fascinating to read her thoughts on that issue.

"Of grave concern to me personally and to many others I talk to in Southland is the mining of our lignite resources. I know there are sceptics in the world who do not believe in climate change and the effects on our environment, but why take the risk.
Lignite mines of the scale proposed will be visible to any visitor and will affect our landscape and reputation to tourists and consumers in our overseas markets."

Good writing Frana.

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