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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bryan Walker fracks Nick Smith


by BRYAN WALKER on AUGUST 15, 2012

(Poor form, probably, to reproduce the whole article, but It's good and Dr Smith's Opinion piece did appear in our own Southland Times, so here it is...)

MP Nick Smith in a NZ Herald opinion piece this week uses the fracking debate to advance the cause of fossil fuel mining. He claims that fracking is important in the development of geothermal energy and then moves seamlessly to the notion that we are desperately in need of unconventional natural gas in order to save us from falling back on coal, which we will otherwise “inevitably burn”. In defending fracking he manages to nicely couple the fossil fuel natural gas with a renewable energy source, geothermal.

It’s not my purpose to argue here about fracking as a technology. What is dismaying about Smith’s article is the complacency with which he advances the cause of natural gas. Writing enthusiastically of the huge unconventional shale gas resources in the US, he claims gas emits one-third the greenhouse gas emissions of coal. I know its emissions are lower, but it was news to me that they were as low as that. I could find no source to substantiate that figure. A little over half is the best figure I have been able to locate, and there are big questions about methane leakage in the fracking process. However let that pass. The real issue is the unrestrained pursuit of unconventional fossil fuels, which as James Hansen has reminded us often enough will mean game over for the climate.

The argument that natural gas is better than coal from a climate change perspective is increasingly made. It is true enough. But it does not mean that natural gas is somehow benign in relation to global warming. I’ve written on this question before and I repeat here a quote I used then from Nobuo Tanaka, executive director of the IEA:

“While natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, it is still a fossil fuel. Its increased use could muscle out low-carbon fuels such as renewables and nuclear, particularly in the wake of Fukushima. An expansion of gas use alone is no panacea for climate change.”

Nick Smith’s urgent advocacy of fracking for natural gas, albeit hedged by some precautions, completely ignores the challenge to replace the use of all fossil fuels with renewable or nuclear energy. It appears to be either natural gas or coal in his book, and he works up a lather of indignation about how opposition to fracking “halts the development of industries offering significant economic and environmental benefits” to the country.

There may or may not be immediate environmental concerns about the process of fracking. The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment is undertaking an enquiry and will report by the end of the year. But the overarching environmental concern is much greater than the fracking technology. That concern is the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, a matter which Smith addresses only to the extent of hurriedly claiming the superiority of natural gas over coal. If that is as far as Government thinking goes, it is nowhere near far enough.

Smith in his final paragraph, in the context of an assertion that he is passionate about New Zealand’s natural environment, urges the need for “a rational and science-based approach to our natural resources and risk management”. Is there anything more rational and science-based than the warnings of climate scientists that we are putting humanity in grave danger by continuing to explore and exploit fossil fuels? Certainly we can’t make the transition to other fuels overnight. But it would be good to see a politician of Smith’s background saving his insistent advocacy for the necessary goal of developing energy sources that do not add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The Government’s preference for short term issues is a sad avoidance of responsibility.


paulinem said...

Ho hmmm yeah as one commentator said once par for the course re National blind obsessive policy..... scary really scary !

Grant Robertson when in town this week and interviewed by us potential journalists at a press conference arranged for him and us ...I asked him what was Labours policy re fracking ...basically he took the uncontroversial approach and said we are waiting for the report...

BUT he then went on to say the tapping into Geothermal energy was done by fracking and he saw this as a very good thing....have you any comment Robert cant say I have heard any comment good or bad with this use of fracking ...

In truth I know little about how the geothermal energy is gained to comment any way

robertguyton said...

I'm of the understanding, Pauline, that the claim that New Zealand's geothermal extractions involve fracking is not correct. I'm waiting for confirmation. I suspect that overseas there are fracked geothermal resources, but not here. Industry likes broad claims that are awkward to test.
Try asking them if there are losses of methane at any stage of the coal-gas fracking process.
Hear what they say about that. Ask about flaring - do they do it, will they do it, how much Co2 does it produce.
Your killer shot might be to ask whether they intend to capture and sequester the greenhouse gases they will produce if they burn methane for electricity production here in Southland, as they plan to do.