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Monday, June 4, 2012

Grim news

For several years now, we've been told, quite correctly in my view, that the amount of Co2 we can safely allow in our atmosphere before we start to see a rise in global temperatures, is 350 parts per million. At the various events that were held over that time to draw attention to the importance of recognising the danger of exceeding that figure, the level could be seen to be rising. Three years ago, Southlanders gathered at Oreti beach to build sand castles below the high tide mark to illustrate the danger to low lying communities on the islands, deltas and basins of the world. At that point we were told that we were in the 390's for global Co2 levels. The following year, when Rivertonians gathered on the viewing platform to create an umbrella forest to highlight the unstable weather we are to expect with rising atmospheric temperatures, and got blown practically inside out by the squalls that thrashed us on the day, the level was even higher. Today I learned that global gas levels have passed to 400ppm mark. This is not cause for celebration at all. I've always felt there would come a time when we would all need to batten down the hatches and this latest news supports my fears. Worse still, international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have failed entirely, so far as I can see. Targets are not being reached or even stiven-for. The new approach to climate change, climate instability, global warming seems to be; prepare yourselves for difficult times ahead. If you live near the coast, think of relocating. Tough luck if you are a low lying island community. Tough luck if you live in an arid region. Or if you are an ice-dweller. All will presently change. Gloomy news I know, but that's how I'm seeing it. What to do? Seems it's every man for himself. Woman and children too, plus every other manifestation of humanity that you can think of. It doesn't seem cheerful news to me. But there it is, we've topped the 400 mark. Congratulations, humanity. You're almost there!


Towack said...

Dont think I will start panicing yet.... or maybe I could install a diving board on my front lawn, now that would be sweet

robertguyton said...

You'll never panic, Towack, will you?
Aren't you on the 'Favoured Persons' list? Your front lawn would make a lovely beach, if it weren't for those pesky storm-surges.

Sally said...

"You must know that the world has grown old, and does not remain in its former vigour. It bears witness to its own decline. The rainfall and the sun’s warmth are both diminishing; the metals are nearly exhausted; the husbandman is failing in the fields, the sailor on the seas, the soldier in the camp, honesty in the market, justice in the courts, concord in friendships, skill in the arts, discipline in morals. This is the sentence passed upon the world, that everything which has a beginning should perish, that things which have reached maturity should grow old, the strong weak, the great small, and that after weakness and shrinkage should come dissolution."

"That quote comes not from recent times, but from third century Europe—and we’re still here and we’re still vigorous, and the human environment is now the best it’s ever been! But we’ve been scaring ourselves to death for centuries, literally centuries."

robertguyton said...

Someone in 3rd Century Europe was wrong about something! That proves that the thousands of scientists in the 21st Century who say that global warming is real, are wrong!
Brilliant thinking, Sally.
Surely, you can do better than that!

Towack said...

Scientists, yep, sure.....

Anonymous said...

We're doomed doomed I tell you....

So RG, We've passsed through the magical 350's and 390's and now horror upon horror we're in the 400's. And yet there has been no Gorebull warming for a decade. Any thoughts on that?

Have you ever tried a sniff test on what you're being fed? You know that "ppm" thing at the end of all those scary numbers? You do realise that is 'parts per million'?


robertguyton said...

Yes, paranormal, 'parts per million'. The same measure is used when determining safe levels of toxins in water. Wanna try testing that in the same way you do greenhouse gases, suck it and see? Indelicate language, eh, but I tire of you deniers and your life-denying ways. Still, your world-view has prevailed, there's no doubt about that. My understanding is that Governments around the world have jettisoned thoughts of halting or reversing rising Co2 levels and are instead looking at ways to mitigate the expected effects. Glory bless! That's the stuff alright! You'll be sweet though, paranormal. Even when you're struggling to shut the cyclone-bunker door, you'll be thinking, "This is nothing more than a natural cycle. I hear we've a cold snap on the way!"
That worries me not one whit now though. I've things to do. Arguing the toss about climate change is a waste of breath now. There's a new path to blaze.

Betsy said...

The islands that make up parts of the coral rings of ancient volcanic caldera are sinking. Not quite the same as sea levels rising, but the result is the same. How do we tell the difference?

robertguyton said...

Modern instruments measure elevation without having to refer to sea level, 'Betsy'.
Catch up!

Anonymous said...

Ah RG, I did warn you some time ago that your AGW agenda was history. The wisdom of crowds has prevailed.

Whatever is the next global Green lunacy to misdirect resources?


robertguyton said...

"The wisdom of crowds"

The facts haven't changed, paranormal, only the politicians resolve.
Do tell me more about "The wisdom of crowds" - an example would help me understand what you are referring to. certainly no "crowds" have been influential in changing the thinking around climate change. If you think (and claim) that they have, post some examples.