Friday, November 11, 2011

Visit the beautiful Aro Valley

"I think it is fabulous that politicians can be jeered, have water pistols fired at them, and generally engage in actual politics in a hall. it is the warp and woof of democracy – we could do with a lot more of it, and a lot less of contrived photo opportunities in shopping malls.'

Comment from the very funny post by Danyl at The Dim-Post on the mother of all candidates' meeting in Wellington's Aro Valley. If you thought the Riverton crowd was rambunctious, check out these guys!

"7:00 PM. I arrive half an hour early. It is standing room only. The crowd could best be described as ‘a wretched hive of scum and villany.’ Disturbingly, there are many young people present. The event begins at 7:30, by which time the hall is packed beyond capacity, with dozens more people standing on a ledge outside the window peering in."


Anonymous said...

A well written piece employing a chorus of a single waiter.

Gold! as one might say (but will not).

Go4green said...

MMP at its best, with Riverton a close second.
Keep up the excellent work.
Hope the water pistols catch on.

robertguyton said...

If only we'd thought! G4G!

Thanks Anon. Gold indeed!
Oh dear oh dear oh dear!