Friday, November 11, 2011

Christmas already...

...for the farmers of Canterbury, planning to add irrigation to their operations. They're getting a $400 000 000 gift from the people of New Zealand, should National win the election. Given that farms, whether family owned or corporate run, are private industries, this gift from the National Party, in the form of money from selling our assets, is mighty generous. National has tried several angles when trying to sell the idea of hocking off our assets; modernising our schools was one that fell flat when people gave it even a moments thought, but this new revelation is at least honest - our assets are being sold in order that National can give the money to farmers, so that they can set up irrigation schemes, which will in turn allow for further intensification of the dairy industry.
Doesn't sound fair for the taxpayer and doesn't sound good for the environment.


the wife said...

ring home when your meeting finishes

robertguyton said...


Anonymous said...

As for Asset Sales - what do you expect when you have successive governments spending unsustainably?


robertguyton said...

Agreed, paranormal - that's the kind of illogical, desperate act I would expect. But that doesn't mean I support doing it, when it will make matters worse.
Sustainability is such a great (often misunderstood) word.

Sally said...

And don't the Greens milk it!

Anonymous said...

Milk it they do Sally. 'Make matters worse' - you obviously beleive this stuff about firewalling money from asset sales for different pet projects? lets face it the spending was going to hapopen anyway. It's just how its dressed up.

BTW just so we're clear I am all for asset sales. Government shouldn't be involved in running TV stations, or any sort of business - they are just rubbish at it. But I am against the asset sales the Nats are proposing , only because we're just eating the house when the fundamentals of the econnomy haven't been fixed.
