Friday, November 11, 2011

Key's nose

"I'm not telling anyone to vote in a particular way because I don't think it's right to tell anyone how to vote but..."


Anonymous said...

Both steel and sliver are malleable, so this is accurate no matter which demographic Key is trying to compel at any given moment.

Anonymous said...

I changed my facebook profile photo to my fav political party's logo and an going to change my birthday settings each day so my icon pops up constantly. Is that bad manners? I guess so.

robertguyton said...

Coated with teflon too (though that seems to have worn almost right off) Anonymous.

Bio - 'Bad manners' is our new middle name.

Anonymous said...

I think the real issue here is the left showing what they actually think of voters. To believe that a politician can tell thinking individuals what to do is laughable. Sure politicans can 'ask', but they can't 'tell' voters, particularly the smart voters in Epsom what to do. They've pretty much worked it out for themselves.

As for your teflon comment, do you recall the first term of Clarkula? She was caught with some outrageous crap on her hands - but none of it stuck.


robertguyton said...

So we should describe both Clark and Key as being coated in teflon? Is that what you mean, paranormal? Seems fair enough.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely - but note, only in the early years of their tenure as Prime Minister. It'll be interesting to see how long Key lasts. I'm not sure his caucus has the same discipline as Liabours. They certainly have their fair share of clowns.


robertguyton said...

Alot of that teflon has chipped off already, paranormal, as is usual.
I found his statement as described in my post, impossible to swallow without gagging.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly how I felt about Clarkula from day one. She seemed a deeply flawed individual to me. But for some reason the rest of the country couldn't see it. I'd suggest it's similar for those on the left with Key.

As mentioned before I don't think Key is wonderful in any way, just a change in manners from the lot that went before him that's all.


Anonymous said...

Have you got an old mop to represent Catherine Delahunty?

robertguyton said...

And, paranormal, the reason I've never been a Labour supporter. I like my Green leaders though.

robertguyton said...

Anonymous - that's good.
Everyday objects that reflect our politicians...
(I want to say 'mirrors', but that's tooo obvious.)

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, there is another party that has some cartoons/caricatures that do a better job of Key and his 'type'.
It's called the 'Nazi party', it's from somewhere in Europe I think, lots of propaganda drawings with big noses and beady eyes.

Seriously, I am disgusted in the left wing in this country, their subtlety is not bloody well subtle enough.
You should be very careful to not go to far with this Robert.

robertguyton said...

Thanks for the advice, Shunda. What do you make of the quote from Key (above)?
Is that disingenuous, or what?

robertguyton said...

Oh, now I get it, Shunda! You were thinking "Jewish"! Not me, I was meaning 'Pinocchio'.
What made you think the former, given the quote I included? Your assumption that I was casting a racial/ethnic slur is completely wrong.

Anonymous said...

Just more personal slurs from the left.

Shunda barunda said...

Your assumption that I was casting a racial/ethnic slur is completely wrong.

I don't think you are that sort of person at all Robert, but I will say that some of the caricatures of Key that are emerging are getting pretty damned close to something very ugly indeed.

I enjoy political caricatures, but there is a difference between 'clever' and down right ugly, and the inference of some I have seen is closer to "greedy money hungry Jew" than anything clever.
I am sure you don't want to be a part of that.
There was no personal attack intended and perhaps this wasn't the best post to bring it up.
Sorry if I cased any offence.

robertguyton said...

Not at all, Shunda. It's quite important for anyone who 'publishes' comment, as I do, to remember how easily things said can be misconstrued. Images in particular, are interpreted in ways that often reflect the viewers world-view as much as they do the 'authors'. Being misconstrued and mis represented is part and parcel of being outspoken, it seems :-) I was accused, in the council boardroom, of disgraceful behavior where I had 'made negative comments about Bill English's parents'. In fact, I'd written about Bill's 'mum and dad investors'. Even when I presented the accuser with a copy of the post, they struggled to believe me. Sometimes being 'clever' ain't so clever :-)