Sunday, December 29, 2013

We went walking

It's a gloriously fine day in Riverton, so we decided to walk down into the village for a coffee at Mrs Clarke's Cafe.
I went barefoot.
Hollie and Robyn wisely wore sunhats.
Along the way, we saw stuff.
Yellow hawkbit at Muriel's homeobotanical garden

These orange flowers on the 'perfect lawn'

This great sidewalk kak

Roadside plums

A very unwell skink

A towering pinnacle of cloud over the Longwoods


Unknown said...

cloud formations in the south have been amazing today. We have been hearing a constant grumble of thunder from over Gore way all afternoon

robertguyton said...

That grumble's coming from the briquette factory at Mataura. It's Bill. He paces the yard daily, bemoaning the Market - why did it treat him so badly? After all, he pledged his allegiance - and his love????
Poor sap.

Suz said...

Festive greetings Rob and clan...we're visiting family in Foxton Beach tomorrow, is Adam still in the vicinity?

robertguyton said...

Hi Suz!
Lovely to hear from you and all the best from the Guytons of Riverton.
Adam's further north now. I wish he could have met you all. I think he's in Raglan. I hope you're having a restorative holiday. We're about to experience a thunder storm that's been brewing all day. I hope your weather's more settled. Today was mighty hot though!

Suz said...

Bugga, would have enjoyed meeting up.

As usual, Welly enjoyed a fine and hot Xmas day, unlike most of the country...envious of your up-coming thunder storm tho'...luv it when the gods get angry ;)