Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bored by pictures of my garden? Here are some more


Armchair Critic said...

Where are the watermelons? I thought your garden would be full of them.

robertguyton said...


Armchair Critic said...

Your silence is deafening. Clearly the lack of watermelons is a conspiracy. I am sure they are marching to Wellington and some time next year they will have taken control of the government!
Or, possibly, it's not the right time of year. Nah, I'm going for the conspiracy theory.

robertguyton said...

I'm outed! I have armies of them under plastic, incubating. My plan, and it's an evil one, is too twisted to share on this forum. Look for clues to how I'm going to achieve Global Domination, in the Star Garden Guide. Hold it upside-down and read with your eyes crossed. Good luck, trooper.

Armchair Critic said...

Hold it upside-down and read with your eyes crossed
I use the same technique for reading right-wing blogs. That way some of the posts and comments make sense.