Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This looks really bad, Fonterra



Unknown said...

The dairy industry doesn't seem to understand the concept of limits. Whether it is stock numbers, nitrate run off, draining rivers dry or dumping milk, they seem to think they are entitled to do what they want. Hey, if some dairying is good, then more must be better, so turning the whole country into dairy farms must be super awesome. How could we go wrong?

robertguyton said...

This 'lake' doesn't look like a dedicated storage pond to me - it looks like a dammed gully. Has it been sealed? It doesn't look that way. There is a two day limit on storing blood from abbatoirs before disposal to soil, I wonder if there is a similar rule for buttermilk?
And it looks very full - what if it rains heavily? Wet soils cannot have effluent sprayed onto them.

Bioneer said...

Dumping tanker loads into the sea is just as alarming and yet it's condoned?

robertguyton said...

Is it, Bio? Have they? have you a link to that?