There's a hill, bird dropping, tree, onion 'pipe', blackboard... but no pot nor any kettle, Anonymous. You're reading too much into my simple photos and considering they bore you, tire you, you're giving them alot of attention. I'm going to assume that, despite your claims, they interest you more than you are willing to acknowledge. That makes me smile.
When you open your mouth that wide, Anonymous, I think, 'slack-jawed yokel'.
another excellent shot of a pipe.
Pot kettle rob
There's a hill, bird dropping, tree, onion 'pipe', blackboard...
but no pot nor any kettle, Anonymous.
You're reading too much into my simple photos and considering they bore you, tire you, you're giving them alot of attention. I'm going to assume that, despite your claims, they interest you more than you are willing to acknowledge. That makes me smile.
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