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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Selling the farm

More chunks of Southland sold, today's newspaper tells us, to the Germans.
$67 million worth of local land went out of local hands as a result of the Overseas Investment Office giving the go ahead to sales and investment deals, saying as they rubber-stamped their approval that while there was some concern about the aquisition of land by overseas investors, New Zealand needed the capital.
The kind of thing a clever young man might say, accepting the cheque for his grandmother - "I know it doesn't look good but I need the money."
Southland REINZ president Murray Halstead says, "I don't think this will be the last."
Indeed Murray.
Enthusiasts for Southland's economy will be excited though by the assurance from the incoming dairymen/investors who say they will expand the dairy herds considerably.
It's not just earthquakes that change the landscape.


Bill Kina said...

Winston wouldn't have let that happen.
Unfortunately the left and right ganged up on Winston. "our policy is the opposite of NZ First" -Keith Locke.

robertguyton said...

Winston surely would have railed against this Bill. He still could. Sadly (and in defence of Keith) Winston also railed against the Greens, blocking any chance of them being in a position to also stop this kind of sell off.

Bill Kina said...

I agree Winston attacked the Greens (But I can't remember on what aspect of policy). I'm inclined to think though that a small population is the Greenest path for new zealand. How did we build those canals in the 1970's?

robertguyton said...

Well Bill, the fertility rate for New Zealanders is dropping fast so you might get your wish. I suspect we'll be having to make room for over-flow from countries where the opposite is happening though.
Winston demanded as part of his coalition agreement with Labour, that the Greens be excluded altogether from government.

Pauline said...

Our soldiers who died for our country in foreign fields to assure Germany didn't invade us ...will be turning in their graves...oh how future generations have insulted their grand effort for our benefit ..and with Federated Farmers open encouragement of these sales I do hope they are not hypocritical and place a wreath on Anzac day at the Cenotaph

robertguyton said...

Pauline - your Fed Farmers/ANZAC Day comparison is a powerful one.

Anonymous said...

Worth a read - New Zealand's future under free trade deal's with labour and national...

Chinese Buy Up Of Dairy Farms

Get Used To It.
This Is What A “Free” Trade Agreement Looks Like

all the more reason to pay attention to the proposed free trade deal with the US
and sales of SOE energy companies to foreign multinationals...
That Key and English want so badly

robertguyton said...

Behind all the flurry about OIO, Ministerial veto over sales and public concern, lies the real driver of the sale of farms to overseas buyers - the Free Trade agreements.