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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Strafing Straterra

John Purey-Cust knows his way around Southland as well as he knows how to deliver a warning and has been doing just that for years, through the letters column of the Southland Times. He's got his head screwed on right and can spot bullsh*t from right across the other side of the farm. Many of his letters are about farming practices but today he levels his blunderbus at Solid Energy, Straterra and the great smog of unknowing they've lowered over Southland eyes and minds. John calls them on their devious, evasive ways, saying,
"All we get is mindless drum beating, biggest in the world, the Straterra nonsense. And are we supposed to be grateful? Come on, Solid Energy, tell us what you really have in mind for us."
It's a shame the SOE didn't take the opportunity to answer Mr Purey-Cust's letter. It would have been delivered to their desk to give them that chance.

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