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Monday, January 31, 2011

Political speculation (the fall of John Key)

Well, it all is isn't it? Trying to predict and guess what this party or that politician might be planning or scheming.
There's a lot of discussion pinging about the rarified layer that sits like thinning ozone over the heads of most busy people, around the probable/possible fate of Hone Harawira. Speculation around Sue Bradford's future too is up there too along with that of Matt McCarten. Will a new 'far-left' party congeal around these three fire-brands? If so, will it harm National, Labour, the Greens even?
I've fabricated a theory about this and here, for the very little worth it has, it is.
The scary lefties McCarten, Bradford and Harawira will form a party and use it to destroy National and John Key before the election arrives all sweaty at our door.
Bob Jones did it to Muldoon's National Party and these guys will go on the road to bring down what they see as the enemy of New Zealand society.
There! I've said it!
Can't be much loopier than the theories I'm reading elsewhere.


Frieder said...

I thought Bomber was joking when he started talking about this; now it's in the news. Not a bad idea in essence, but it worries me, because if the voters' attention is divided like this, both the 'new left' party and the Greens might fall below the 5% threshold. Then we'd be royally screwed...

robertguyton said...

Perhaps Frieder they'll campaign furiously, do as much damage as they can to the people they oppose, expose the real story to the general public then retire from the race just before the election to give the left wing parties all the votes they need to succeed.
Remember, mine is fairly frivolous speculation :-)

Shunda barunda said...

I think Frieder has a very good point Robert.
I am not a fan of the extreme left any more than the extreme right, so any 'victory' they scored over National would depend on the nature of an alternative govt.

Quite frankly, I think National have a lot of political capital to expend, but I think they have misjudged on exactly how much.
If Key sticks with this privatisation nonsense I think he is in for a shock.

robertguyton said...

He says he will Shunda, come Hell or high water and will not take any notice of people marching in the streets. I guess the mining debacle taught him something. I'll bet Gerry Brownleee gets nowhere near the privatization debate!
Why Shunda, would you worry about the left losing votes when you are so adamantly against the left?

Shunda barunda said...

I have always said it is about balance Robert, unfortunately we appear to pass through that 'balance point' very quickly and head down the wrong track about 12 months after a change in government.

Anonymous said...

Unless he's completely stupid, surely JK knows he can't get away with selling half the country's assets. There's also this possibility:

...but we're not so easily fooled, right? Right?? If marching in the streets is not enough, well, we'll have to do more than just march...

robertguyton said...

An anonymous fire-brand!

Marty Mars said...

I hope they do form a left party but I also hope that Hone Harawira (your spelling is out rob :)) doesn't join. My prefernece would be for Hone to form an alternative maori party.

The dinosaur parties are going for the 'middle' and there are many on either side that just don't have anyone representing them.

robertguyton said...

Thanks Marty - I'm definately off-key today and I misspelled Hone's name twice
Personally, I don't believe there will be a new far-left party at all. Most of the noise about it comes from Hooten (of 'needs shootin' fame) and Bomber Bradbury.
I've no idea where Hone will go/stay/do but I suspect he'll not fade away. I think his fellow MPs will not dare expell him. The Natty 'organizers' will be pressuring his expulsion. I guess we'll see if toto is thicker!

Anonymous said...

Sue Bradford was talking about the possibility of a new leftie party on Nat rad today.

The left vote doesn't have to be split. No reason why they can't form an alliance and/or give each other accomodations.

robertguyton said...

Sue was talking about the possibility ... that's interesting wildcrafty. I'd have thought that by now the new party, if there was to have been one, would be well cemented in. I think such talk is for a purpose other than what it seems. In any case I can't imagine that Bradford, Harawira and McCarten would for a moment do anything that would advantage National in the coming election. I can see them doing the very opposite.

Paulinem said...

Matt McCarten ..the Alliance were glad to get rid of him, in many ways he played a major part in the party's downfull, and certainly enjoyed the finances of the Alliance while he was with them..Matt seems to me to be a bit of a political prostitute, as long as there is an intersting oportunity for Matt hes agin it as the saying goes....

Yeah maybe I am unkind to Matt I said similar remarks in the past of Peter Dunn... Of course Peter (and Matt as well ) didnt change his colour for the power and economic oportunities available in doing so now did he.. AS the Tui add says Yeah Right!!

robertguyton said...

Maybe so Pauline but McCarten seems to me a clever strategist and a 'man for the people' and as such likely to oppose so much of what this present government is doing. I suspect he'd be keen to have a tilt at pushing them out and at the same time be little concerned about securing himself a seat in the House.
Dunne, on the other hand, is I hope, done.

Romney said...

"The scary lefties McCarten, Bradford and Harawira will form a party and use it to destroy National and John Key before the election arrives all sweaty at our door."

It makes sense for people to be given a clear choice. Alas when Keith Locke joined the Greens he knew a far left ship would disappear under the first 2cm wave.
I fear the Greens will host el leftos for some time to come. :wink:

robertguyton said...

Romney - well, they're hardly likely to host el rightos!
The make-up of the party is changing significantly at present, with Nandor, Jeanette, Sue Bradford gone and Keith Locke and Sue Kedgley retiring at the election.
I think it's much more difficult now for critics to aim the 'communist/watermelon' charges at the Green Party. They'll come up with something else though :-)