Saturday, July 10, 2010

John Purey-Cust writes

John's name is occasionally seen in the Letters to the Editor column and when it is, it always follows a pithy and pertinent letter on the topic of land use.
Today, Mr Purey-Cust admonishes Federated Farmers' Rob Pemberton for missing the point over the value of tourism and the work of Venture Southland, to farmers.

His letter ends with these two paragraphs:

"And increasingly, of course, agriculture and tourism go together, as anyone watching, reading, listening to the agriculture media will know It is full of items on farmers striking out into new ventures with a tourist tag.

The old grim digs may argue that isn't "proper" farming but it is helping to keep a lot of farmers on the land, and I would hope that the Feds would take a more open view than the article appears to offer.

John Purey-Cust, Gore

That's nicely put John.

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