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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wild onion and chickweed

I shot theses two images on a grotty day and the Get Growing team made them attractive with some text. I wrote the copy. There's more at Get Growing. It's online.


Unknown said...

My old Grandfather swore by chickweed as a cure for sprains. He would just simply wrap it onto the sprain with a nylon stocking and leave for a day. Poultice I think he called it. An other one was sprig of manuka tree under your bed to take away and aches and pains after a hard days work. Now I am in my sixties and thinking 90 sounds young I need to start remembering more of his health advice.
The one we used to love as kids was his nettle tea. More for the fact he would wade about in the nettle patch in his shorts and never get stung then any other reason. It was his cure for things like gout. Had a good friend who was troubled by gout for many years so I told him about the nettle tea and it worked so well he chucked his pills away.

robertguyton said...

Your Grandfather knew a thing or two, Philip. Knowledge of garden-grown herbal remedies is a skill we will all benefit from, once the TPP is entrenched and Pharmac ruined. I've a friend growing Chatham Island nettles (urtica australis) and I've a mind to try ongaonga (urtica ferox) in my garden, hidden behind a protective hedge to keep wanderers at bay. That chickweed sprain remedy is one I'll recommend from now on.