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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poison pen letters from Wetville

Tonight at 5pm on the National Radio news, I learnt that Tony Ryall openly admitted he didn't bother to look at the miners' proposal. Not even the slightest pretence at respect for the work of the miners.

The work of the workers.

The work of the men who have buried their comrades not yet two years ago.

The prime minister and his cronies didn't mind dressing up and lamenting a 'work of God' back then. They don't mind killing off the industry now.

Yes, I'm aware that enthusiasts of capitalism consider such outrage to be naive. Makes the world go round and all that.


There is no respect in this process. None whatsoever.

Letters From Wetville  are hot and angry. Read more through the link.


paulinem said...

Robert what happened to the miners was typical behaviour of monetary disciples of a neoliberalism economy. They have a blind belief in trickle down theory and greed is good. Money is their god, with a blind belief that private enterprise is ALWAYS efficient and ya ya makes the nations economy ping along.

This is the economy most in the globe is on and yeap the economy that has caused most of the globe to be in a monetary crisis.

In NZ since 1984 we have had a NL ( we call it rogernomics )and yes the economy pinged along for the haves or the wealthy in our community.

BUT not for the majority of NZers, ordinary families have found living today in NZ a two income has became essential to pay the mortgage and family needs. And Yes the greedys got even greedier all in the name of free enterprise...

Interesting reality while disciples of NL scoff ( like Paddy Lewis ) at beneficiaries and make ridiculous assumptions about laziness drugs and yes of course the worst parents in the community. The reality is their idols and founders of NL in NZ have lived most of their lives of the taxpayer and are still living of the taxpayer. ( very nicely of course.) Which was of course was gained not from their own free enterprise which they espouse too but as result of been the best paid beneficiaries ie Politicians.

What is the answer to the miners etc return to Keynesian economy .. which printed money for targeted projects such s Spring creek and MANAGED the exchange rate ...(yes it had problems...biggest was the FPP election system which parties used KE to BUY votes )

BUT under KE those miners would have got the money they asked for .etc in NZ those days most families could pay their way on ONE income.... crime was very low in comparison today.... re we didnt need a large police force... Unemployment heck at one stage you could count the whole unemployed in the country on your hand !!

robertguyton said...

Pauline, you are correct. I suggest you don't waste your time trying to educate Paddy and his henchmen though. They simply can't see it :-)

Shunda barunda said...

I am absolutely convinced these miners lost their jobs because of impending asset sales, the behavior of govt MPs proves it beyond all doubt in my opinion.

Here's how I see it (based on what I know of the mine and what I have been told)

No 1. Spring creek will not require 70 million of development to produce coal again, that figure is utter crap, people that work there seem to be absolutely convinced of this.

No 2. 300 underground miners wages are a liability when you don't want to sell coal at the bottom of the market, but the remaining coal reserves are an asset that look good for prospective investors, hence the 'fire the staff and keep the coal underground for when the price improves'.

No 3. The open cast operations they are talking about usually use external contractors to remove overburden and mange the pit, so once again, no staff liability and a more attractive situation for potential investors (as no contracts have been let yet).

If solid energy seriously expect us to believe it is cheaper (in the short term) to start a new open cast mine (and all the resultant infrastructure) than to extract coal from an existing mine, then I think their management has coal dust in their heads.

This is an outrage, it is a corruption of values NZers are supposed to uphold and fiercely defend, not only are they selling our stuff, they are firing us to do it!!

I am not particularly fond of mining, but on this issue I will stand with these guys all the way.

robertguyton said...

That's very good, Shunda. It's the perfect time for you to install yourself on every sizable blog in the country and tell your inside story. All your blogging practise has come to this. You will effect/are affecting the way this issue is understood by New Zealanders. Don't hold back.