Thursday, September 20, 2012

Plant the roadsides

This woman's already begun.

"Several years ago, Bergmann, a painter by training, started asking questions about the fate of the world’s pollinators. And while she’s not an environmentalist per se, Bergmann’s art and graphic design work never stray far from the environmental sphere. To her, the complex and shifting relationships between pollinators and plants have always begged further investigation. Bergmann’s response to what she learned is a work-in-progress called the Pollinator Pathway, a mile-long corridor of pollinator-friendly, mostly native plants stretching between two green spaces in the heart of Seattle."


Armchair Critic said...

A quick google search brought up plenty of NZ based links on roadside planting. Most were for urban roads, but the plants used are probably more applicable than an overseas publication.

robertguyton said...

I'll take a look, Armchair Critic - local is best. Mind you, we know enough already down here, to start our own project - so far as the plant varieties are concerned anyway. I did a feature on this in the NZGardener some time back and included a photograph of a yellow 'tree' lupin that had established itself on the sward but got lambasted by a 'nativist' reader who declared me a pest, along with the plant, believing that the only things that should be planted along the long acre, are native plants. I begeed to differ, but kept that to myself. There are curious tensions around the idea but I'm up to exploring those.
And then there's the guerrilla gardener fraternity to take into account...they do whaever they please, apparently....

Armchair Critic said...

What I found was the nitty-gritty. Codes of practice, guidelines, specifications etc. the kind of thing that makes council officers happy.

robertguyton said...

Could you send me the links to those useful documents?

Armchair Critic said...

Certainly, though it might not be until next week as I am exhausted and need to retreat to the garden. I may take some time out to perturb inv2, too.

robertguyton said...

One of those activities would be invigorating and refreshing.
Choose well, AC :-)
I'm off to Rakiura for the weekend, armed with camera and sound recording equipment.