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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Slapping the grocer

Scott Yorke @ Imperator Fish givers Groser a well deserved slapping.

Groser is sheeting the blame for any perception that New Zealand is failing in its claim to be clean and green, to those who point out that it isn't! It's a shameful attempt to discredit New Zealanders who can see for themselves what's going on.

"The "100% Pure" brand might be a good one for the tourism folk, but we don't live up to the promise. The brand trades on New Zealand's reputation for being an unspoilt paradise, but it's a reputation we don't deserve. Our streams and waterways are dirty, our agricultural emissions are growing, and we subsidise our biggest polluters. There is also no sense of urgency within central government about the threat to our clean green image."

There's more.

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