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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Key uses deaf MP as pawn

"These are the people that said they don't have enough money to pay for (deaf MP) Mojo Mathers' technology in Parliament but have enough money for a citizens initiated referendum"

These people.

John Key's attack on the Green's efforts to boost the progress of the referendum around asset sales turned nasty yesterday, when he dragged deaf Green MP Mojo Mathers into the debate. Key's cheap shot has not gone down well with the general public, who recognise spiteful behaviour when they see it.
Mr Smile and Wave has another, less pleasant side to his nature, it's becoming increasingly apparent.


Lofty said...

Oops...mean come on Bobby

robertguyton said...

Lofty - get someone to help you type!

Lofty said...

Yeah sorry Bobby,

It's the bloody iPad on my knee trick.

What I meant was its a bit rich to poke poohs at Mr Key, when it was your duplicious lot that pled poverty re whatever her name is unable to contribute to parliament.... Oh the irony........

robertguyton said...

Loft - you've bought Key's misdirection, you duffer!
The Greens never pleaded poverty over Mojo's required equipment. If you find yourself believing key, Lofty, just ask me. I'll clear your head.

Shunda barunda said...

The Greens set this up right from the start, that is blatantly obvious.

I am sick to death of these feigned human rights abuses and bleeding heart crap that the left push onto us every five minutes.

It is actually a form of corruption.

Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?

robertguyton said...

Set what up, Shunda?
Mojo's special hearing requirements must be met by the Speaker, from his budget. That's his responsibility; to ensure that each and every MP has equal access to what is said in the House. It's not the responsibility of the individual MP. Asking Mojo to pay for it herself, from her own budget is not an option the Speaker has. Key implies that the Greens should have paid for it from their own budget, but he is wrong. He is misdirection the issue for cheap (and nasty) political gain. A PM should have more moral backbone than that. Using a deaf woman as a target for his disdain. Creepy.

Joe W said...

"Ever heard of . . ."

O very droll.
Now why does that put me in mind of that old National Lampoon cover of Stevie Wonder laughing heartily while wearing 3D glasses?

robertguyton said...

His is.

'feigned human rights abuses'

What tripe, Shunda.

robertguyton said...

Joe W

Great mental image, thanks!

Towack said...

The Greens could pay for someone to take signatures on their patheic referendum that wont change anything, but they couldn't help their own MP.

Quick, someone call Kofi Annan

Shunda barunda said...

Using a deaf woman as a target for his disdain. Creepy.

And that is exactly how the Greens planned it.

"Oh what a monster, that poor deaf woman"


What a wonderful left wing cliché this issue is.

robertguyton said...

Shunda - your argumentt has no substance, just hyperbole and paranoia. How about addressing the details I presented. Surely you can refute those, if you are so confident that it's all an evil plot do what? Embarrass the Speaker? make national look venal?

robertguyton said...

Towack - like Shunda, you plough-on without addressing a single detail provided as explanation - it's a Coast thing, right?
The Speaker is responsible for providing for each MP's functionality in the House. Parties are not required to use their own funds to do so. It's a requirement of the Speaker. he didn't attend to it, despite knowing well in advance that there was a hearing-impaired/deaf MP in the House, for the first time. Or are you suggesting that the Speaker was ambushed? Hahahah! Laughing in anticipation that you are.

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, can you tell me how Mojo was selected for the Greens list?

I'm betting being deaf was the most significant aspect.....

"oh! wouldn't that be cool!!"

Shunda barunda said...

it's a Coast thing, right?

You keep saying that, but I am not sure what it means, is it a Southland thing? ;)

I don't know who Towack is if that's what you mean.

Towack said...

The best way to defend Shunda, is attack. Its one of the principals of "The Art of War", an ancient Chinese military book attributed to Sun Tzu. Quite a good read actually.
RG uses it well, the theory is that your enemy will retreat and hide when faced with a barrage of incoming fire (words in this case)enabling you to run and escape yourself.

robertguyton said...

I'm teasing, in a friendly way, Shunda. You 'Coasties' are all so sensitive!
I do know Towack and I know you, so you've a connection there - not so deep as your Coasty-thing, but a connection nonetheless :-)

robertguyton said...

Shunda - yes, I can tell you about Mojo. I know her quite well and was around the traps as she rose to her position. In essence, she's very bright and an excellent researcher. Listen to what she says sometime, you'll be impressed I'm sure, by the depth of her understanding and compassion. You implication that she queue-jumped because of her disability is a bit sad. She's tear your head of, figuratively speaking, if you were to say it in her presencve (and were standing in front of her, not smeakily saying things behind her back :-)

Shunda barunda said...

I would bet several Green MPs would be screaming at me before I would even break a sweat.

I am very good at keeping my cool in face to face confrontation, scary cool.

robertguyton said...

And yet, Shunda, you still avoid addressing my explanation, making yours nothing more than a heated rant.
Give it a go. Look again at my 11:20 comment and see if you can counter those points.
*Hint: Saying nah nah nah with your fingers in your ears isn't 'addressing the points"

Shunda barunda said...

Robert, in the circus, there are clowns.

What is your point?

All I am hearing on thise issue is: do do do da da do do do dooo, do do do do daa da do do doo doo..... the clowns dance around the ring.

robertguyton said...

My point,Shunda, is that the version of events promoted by Key that says that the Greens are hypocritical because they can afford to support a referendum, but can't afford to pay for Mojo's equipment, is a transparent cheap-shot, not fitting of a Prime Minister.
's all.

Shunda barunda said...

Ok fine, yes, it is a cheap shot.

Well played though, it will appeal to some of his core support like tap dancing on crushed cars, (which I confess, I would have found mildly entertaining if actual tap dancing had have occurred)

Towack said...

If the Greens were so keen on having her in there they would stop the whinging, get the needed gear and get on with the job whilst applying for a refund retrospectively.

robertguyton said...

The Speaker should have got the needed gear, as is his responsibility. He had plenty of notice. It's his job, Towack. If the road outside your house had a pothole that needed fixing, would you be happy if the Council suggested that you pay the $10 000 to get it repaired, and that they'd 'fix you up later'?
I don't think so :-)

Towack said...

actually there are potholes outside my house.
From my understanding of the law it is not as clear cut as you seem to imply.
I suggest, in the matter of fairness, that you study up on this law and prove that what you are saying is correct, because I watched mr lockward smith, who must be the most slimey politician ever, and he was saying that his hands were somewhat tied.
The law neded to be changed to accommadate her.

robertguyton said...

"I suggest, in the matter of fairness, that you study up on this law and prove that what you are saying is correct."

Why thankyou, Towack, for your kind suggestion. I'll get right onto it!

I have a suggestion for you in return - get out there, spend your own money and get that road fixed. No whinging now!

Towack said...

I did fix it. I have sent you the pic. Hope it meets council approval.

robertguyton said...

My kind of repair, Towack. I give the the Councillor stamp of approval.