Saturday, May 19, 2012

Minister Collins digs furiously

Judith Collins is determined to clear her besmirched name and has sent out the thugs to collar Trevor Mallard and Andrew Little for saying naughty things about her. Mallard said  he was less concerned about thugs than Little would be because he was ''broader and didn't wear glasses''. Good shot Trevor. It's  a bit of a farce and you're treating it that way. Collins, as the cartoon shows, is apoplectic about the dweadful tweetment she's received from the rude boys and won't stop her in pursuit of justice. She has however, gone soft on her determination to take Radio New Zealand to court - wonder what happened there? Did she see sense, briefly but clearly, and decide to quietly let that drop? She's holding on to the Mallard and Little though, like a pop-eyed harridan, but they're playing silly-buggers with her and dodging her paper-servers, or at least saying they will. It's all quite ditzy. And funny. Go the bad boys! Go Angry Jude! Waste each other's money like nothing else!


Towack said...

Mallard and Little may think they are tough, but chuck em all in a ring and I reckon she would have em

robertguyton said...

'Cause she's a maniac. Mallard's shown he can't box. Tau was still standing. Of Little, we know little.

Anonymous said...

Happened to make the news the same week the Banks exposure was on the news..National attempt to deflect interest perhaps.

robertguyton said...

Banks' exposure! It's worse than I thought!
I shudder, Megan.

Towack said...

I dont want to see Banks expose himself

Shunda barunda said...

Neither, I'm not in to that kinda townie nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it kind of demeaning for Labour's hard men to be scurrying into hiding, trying to avoid the legal process?

robertguyton said...

Anonymous - nah - it's funny as. They'll milk it for as long as they can, at least until the public realizes hos petty and stupid Collins is for chasing her own tail. Go Trev! Go Little Andrew!

robertguyton said...

Our nearest nudist colony, Shunda, is at the old Aparima School - right in the middle of rural Southland - mind you, we do things different down 'ere! Our country-folk have minds as broad as barn doors!

Towack said...

as broad as cows butts ya mean

Anonymous said...

"...nah - it's funny as."

Yeah, I guess so. Just a couple of bully boys having a larf.

It is OK.

robertguyton said...

Towack - are you trying to incite bad feelings toward the country mice?
We're all just rodents turning the same wheel you know. Not one of us any better than the other, be we urban or rural, grey or white. The green mice however...

DarkHorse said...

sort of makes an old bloke wonder about the wisdom of universal suffrage!

robertguyton said...

Well, darkhorse, we are all suffering. I've an email for you.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame Collins didn't care as much about the real issues - the antics going on in ACC and the lies told by middle management which make her look stupid.

Her indecisive management and lack of leadership on ACC clearly shows she isn't Prime Minister material.

ACC's dysfunction have a bigger impact upon her reputation and make her look stupid than Little and Collins. Then every time the defamation case is mentioned she just looks worse like an unstable, spoilt child. It's pathetic and tragic,

Ultimately this fiasco will probably cost her her job.

Imagine if she had handled things differently from the start - admitted ACC had problems and then simply said she'd sort it all out. It would have been over in a few days.

But no - her ego was in control and said - I'm going to get Pullar and Boag for exposing me and making me look stupid..... She manipulated the report saying Pullar threatened knowing full well Boag would be implicated, the leak of Boag's memo was orchestrated from her office board or ministry, she slagged Pullar off as being indecent (clearly just projecting about herself), she's acted defensively trying to sue Little & Collins & Radio NZ, and on and on she's gone.

It's all a side show to the real issue - ACC has problems.

Collins looks like a stupid old trout - a psychopathic bully who lacks good judgement.

I bet Key is spewing.

As a result if her actions she has kept National in the media in a negative way and they've dropped about 5% because of her ego.

I'd suggest she'll find herself dropped before too long or she'll be switched out or resign the portofolio, as through this process she has exposed herself as an ego driven manic who doesn't give a toss about her portfolio -only defending her reputation.

It's a shame she doesn't have the power of clairvoyance.