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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fishing off the bridge

It was a day like this, up-river

and downstream

so these English tourists went fishing off the bridge.

She caught something straight away

and he helped land it.

Poor wee fishy.

I got distracted, and took shots of the foam til the weather collapsed, which it did, spectacularly.


Gecko said...

Fun photos Rob,they look like a cool couple!have a great dayxxx

Shunda barunda said...


JayWontdart said...

I feel very sorry for the animal killed, you're all very welcome to join us at our next potluck Robert, I promise to save you guys the largest slices of chocolate coconut cheesecake :-)

robertguyton said...

Me too, Jordan. I'm intending to come in (thanks for the invite). I've got a book of poop to return.