Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Farmers bully Councillors, again.

Here's the message sent out to Federated Farmers members, entreating them to rock up to Wednesday's meeting to give the Federation 'authority in numbers' and ' moral authority going forward'.
I'm off to the boardroom now, but will expand on the missive later.
Smells like a hoe-down showdown to me.
(Emphasis mine)

2 April 2012 
All Southland members asked to be at Environment Southland this Wednesday at 8.30am
 If you can join us, you will help to make our presence felt as councillors vote on interim dairy rules 

On Wednesday, Environment Southland councillors will vote on adopting interim dairy rules that will have far-reaching consequences, well beyond dairy farming. As councillors have declined requests to meet with Federated Farmers, this is our chance to show the council what we think of their rules. We are asking all farmers to join us at Environment Southland this Wednesday morning at 830am. 
What: Make the farmer presence felt as councillors vote on interim dairy rules 
Where: Environment Southland Corner of North Road and Price Street Invercargill
 Day: This Wednesday, 4 April 2012 Time: Meet at 8.30am Notes: 
§ Federated Farmers doesn’t want a rabble but authority in numbers § We do not want people to barrack or jeer but to show respect for the process that will give us moral authority going forward § Finally, please wear smart-casual clothing.
 Finally, feel free to forward this advisory onto all of your farming contacts.
 For further information, please contact: Russell McPherson Federated Farmers Southland vice-president 027 311 1756


Brian Evans said...

They pay your f*cking wages you ungrateful curs.

Sitting there pontificating about about the wheres and whyfors, while without the productive you would be living in a cave.

It makes me sick how they have to kowtow to you and yours.

Parasitic communists like you deigning to give permission...

Grow some balls, get a proper job and leave wealth creators alone.

I've read through this blog, and need to wash my hands, you disgust me so much.

robertguyton said...

Thank you for your kind words, Brian. I get a great deal of satisfaction from the support that you and people like you give for the work I and my fellow Councillors do on behalf of the community. I hope to see you at tomorrow's meeting. I'll recognise you by your freshly-scrubbed hands.

Colin McIntyre said...

If one didn't realize that a lot of Roberts comments would appear to be made tongue in cheek one may have cause to take him seriously.
If its true that Councillors have declined to meet with Federated Farmers then I cannot help feeling I'm with Brian on this one.

robertguyton said...

Colin - they haven't. Those who make that claim are wrong. Only last week a delegation from the Feds presented their views to the Council. Don Nicolson was there as well and spoke passionately about property rights.

Colin McIntyre said...

Thanks for the prompt answer Robert.
The real problem would seemm to be we are bombarded with mixed messages on most subjects starting from Central Govt and continuing down to local Govt.

Shunda barunda said...

Back bone of the blarr-dee nation!!!!

We've got a live one folks, and he bites!!!

But seriously Brian, it makes me sick how some farmers think they have the right to run the environment into the ground for what in reality could be a flash in the pan.

You don't crate wealth, you create money, there is a tremendous difference.

robertguyton said...

Colin - your comment re mixed messages is a critical one and something I've been wrestling with lately. Is it simply that there is so much information wafting around 'out there' on every subject,and much of it subjective opinion from the plethora of commentators that haunt the ether, or is it a conscious ploy to confuse the punters and rule through the fog created?
I'm very interested to hear what you think about this.

robertguyton said...

Wealth, Shunda?
It's not just about money, is it. We need to adopt a new definition of wealth, personal and societal, and adjust our behaviour accordingly. I have some ideas.

Anonymous said...

I must say I'm mightily impressed by someone who can use 'moral authority' and 'going forward' in the same sentence. That sentence alone is probably unravelling the fabric of the universe as we speak! Please promise us you will give a report on the 'farmers' presence' before the world ends.

Animal said...

Wealth creators - that is almost as classic as Shundas 'Blar dee'.

He has summed up the issue right away - dairy these days isnt about a wonderful country lifestyle working with animals that you love, its about crapping on the rest of NZ as you pour ya profits into your corporate trust account.

Might be worth turning up just for the show. Best I bring some straw for chewing, my best red bands and the neighbours dog so I can fit in, or should I bring my brand new Ford, my 3 pce suit and wave my trust documents so I look like a modern dairy farmer

Animal said...

and by the way RG, 'ungrateful curs', now as Southlanders love to say, that'll learn ya!

paulinem said...

What we really need Robert is a government whom is prepared to show some and give regional councils some real teeth to curb the pollution problem.

As long as we have the pathetic response to pollution by central govt we are at present getting, Regional councils can really do very little to curb the pollution problem.

If its good enough to have hard traffic laws to protect our health and safety then we should also have hard pollution laws to protect the community's health and well being

Ignore Brian Robert he is just showing I am right is that many of our farming community are behaving like spoilt brats.

Armchair Critic said...

They pay your f*cking wages you ungrateful curs.
...then claim rates as an expense, to reduce their income and therefore their tax bill. Unlike the common householder in town, who has to pay rates out of their wages and can't claim a tax deduction for it.

Sitting there pontificating about about the wheres and whyfors, while without the productive you would be living in a cave.
...because farmers built your house, the road to it, the electrical network and communications systems that provide you with electricity and the internet. Right?

It makes me sick how they have to kowtow to you and yours.
...it's just a shame that famers didn't make anti-emetics. But wait, they did, right Brian?

Parasitic communists like you deigning to give permission...
because we should all be grateful to farmers, and let them do whatever they want. Having our rivers, lakes, land and sea polluted so farmers can get rich is something we should all be grateful for.

Grow some balls, get a proper job and leave wealth creators alone.
Wealth creators. Don't most farms make a cash loss? The way farmers end up with money is through rising farm prices when they sell out, not by making enormous profits year after year.

I've read through this blog, and need to wash my hands, you disgust me so much.
Try whaleoil. That'll really get your rocks off.
Brian Evans - the best thing I cn say is that you are seriously deluded. If you are a farmer - I am your customer. Please tell me how your produce is sold (under which brand), so I can never buy them again. I don't want to pay you another cent.

robertguyton said...

Intheologus - I enjoyed your blog very much and the words and phrases you build it with. I'll post a report on the protest all right,with photos, if I can safely get some shots off. The circling of waggons in the car park at 8:30 should make a good image but I'll have to secret myself in the shrubbery to get it.
Animal - CU there! I'll be the cur wearing the 'cows' tie. Hope your neighbours dog is a 'manly' one, not some primped-up flossy girly-dog - you'd be a laughing stock, and when sons of the soil mock, they can be cruel!
Pauline - grab your pencil and blotter pad and get down there early - I smell a scoop!
Armchair Critic - nice fisk. I didn't know that about farmers, rates and tax. Cunning.

paulinem said...

Sorry Robert I have to got to go to class this morning I
have a presentation to do :(

But after November I am a free agent and can do what I like :) watch out my foes :)

Suz said...

Blarr-dee (hat-tip Shunda) Hell!

I'm with Armchair; if you are a "wealth producer"/farmer, as a supporter of "cave-dwelling", "parasitic communists", I'm sure you don't want my money, as much as I don't want to give to you.

Brian Evans said...

Shunda, the government produces money, and when they do so it makes us all poorer.
Wealth generation comes from adding value processes to inputs.
Those inputs require capital and risk.
Parasitic anti-creators like you green-teacher-union-communist lot are not content to feed you own bellies from those who create, you won't be happy until you have sucked the host dry.
Then that cave is going to look cosy.

Pollution of others' land is inexcusable, and there can be no justification for it, nor denial!
However, the response you have given so far has not only been ineffective, it is counterproductive.
Counterproductive inasmuch as you have managed to create divisions in our community - 'us' & 'them'.

How is that working out for us?

I am not involved in farming at all, nor would I choose to be.
Yes, there are measures to reduce tax liabilities. Economic literacy will do that for you, but they hide that kind of knowledge away where leeches don't go.

You have no risk.
You do, as you point out, have choice, to buy or not to buy. Good for you. Such is the joy of the free market.

You can, and do, use more rules. More force.
No one has any choice about that.

Or do they?

Armchair Critic said...

Robert - I think you've been hit by some software that links a range of objectivist jargon together, to give an appearance of sentience. It's obviously a bot because it can't replicate either colloquialism or grammar, and it can't show coherent thought processes. Still, it's amazing what can be coded these days. I hope it stays away from my blog.

robertguyton said...

Out damned bot, out I say!

Brian Evans said...

An engineer has no excuse for sidestepping logic, Mr/s AC.

robertguyton said...

I like straight logic, rather than the side-stepping sort.