Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Meat wars

There's a brouhaha a'brewin' in the letters column of our local rag. Those who love to chew the fat, literally, are going head to head with those from Planet Vega. The vegans, in my opinion, are dominating the discourse, following a double-whammy in today's edition, where they make light of the all-too-sincere propaganda-piece from an industry representative Fiona Carruthers of NZ Beef and Lamb in a previous edition. Both S Page and Jordan Wyatt of the Invercargill Vegan Society roast the carnivore for her transparent touting and dangerous advice to readers. Ms Carruthers' claims mirrors those of 'Iron Brion', who travels from school to school pushing meat-eating to the very young in a manner most would regard as insidious. Brian looks as though he suffers Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, judging by the distance between his eyes (see image) and perhaps this is affecting his judgement around healthy eating.
The battle has some distance to go, I'm guessing, and will doubtless be bloody.
Good luck to those who are 'in the right.'


Anonymous said...

Ha! i guess some debate is better than no comment whatever. there's still a very large percentage of people who don't even know what a vegan is. someone from another planet perhaps. other scary reasons to be worried about men with dubious distance between their eyes are contained in Will Tuttle's excellent tome, The World Peace Diet.

robertguyton said...

World peace through veganism! Who'd have thought?
The meaties will counter soon. Gird your loins (with cabbage leaves).

Suz said...

JEEZUS..could he look any creepier??
(Peter Dunne's love-child?)

I'm assuming it's the same Brian who expelled his bile in your next post.

Maybe it was the FAS reference?

robertguyton said...

Of course, Suz! I hadn't put face to bilious words.
Iron Brion, visiting my lowly blog. Red letter day.
More than a little proud.

Shunda barunda said...

I just did a search on "Iron Brion" and founds this:

