Our Frenchman caught this fish last night. It has a single chin-whisker. Do you know what it is?
He plans to eat it for lunch. Best guess yet - red cod.
Worst guess - fugu.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
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The observations of an observant Southlander
Could be Hoka or as most people call it Red Cod
The flesh (to me) is sort of flabby but can be improved by salting breifly before cooking
Often caught up here (South Cant) off the beach and quite prized by some
Thanks, Raymond. We can confirm your 'flabby' observation and appreciate the salty tip. The frame is becoming soup, augmented with thyme, dill and various green things from the garden, garlic, onion all done as the French do it. Bay too. The fillets are to be fried and shared with the crew :-)
March 29, 2012 11:37 AM
Red cod would have been my guess too.
Garbage guts of the ocean they are, usually full of lice and worms, but clean ones are reasonable eating.
The flesh tends to fall apart fairly readily (if it is a Red cod).
We used to catch them off the Greymouth wharf when we were kids and took them home, often much to my mothers disgust!
They've just caught three more, Shunda! Big ones too. The one we ate today was very good eating and looked as clean as. Lots of dill and other seasoning stuff and cooked to perfection. The French do that well.
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