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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Environmental River Patrol Aotearoa

The natives are getting restless. It seems ordinary folk who are not up to their noses in cream have had enough of what they see as the despoliation of their rivers by the dairy industry and are geeting out there, camera in hand to record the evidence. The new group, Environmental River Patrol Aotearoa are paddling and walking northern rivers, recording what they see then forwarding those images to Fonterra and the Councils in order to give them a hoosle-along with their clean-up programmes and legislating. Good thing. I wonder if there's a Southland branch of ERPA?

"It is not about `name and shame'," he said. "It is about persuasion and the use of peer pressure from neighbours. We are not a lynch mob or openly hostile to farmers. They're part of us, our fabric. We're an agricultural country."


Ralph said...

Jon Morgan would appear to be misinformed when he states that as far as he is informed no body has ever been prosecuted for grazing stock beside steams and rivers which have not been fenced off.
Check with Environment Southland for one.
Many of us who have farmed for 60 years plus, are environmists to the best of our ability.
Farmers are been prosecuted because effluent MIGHT make its way into waterways,while it is apparent that many Councils throughout NZ have pemission to discharge untreated wastewater and also at times,sewerage.

So much for one size fits all!

Naturally the River patrols will be investgating and filming this aspect as well.

March 28, 2012 1:16

robertguyton said...

Seems I addressed this in a later post. Or tried to, Ralph.