Saturday, November 5, 2011

Key debates

This image and the following comment lifted from The Standard combine to express a point of view that has currency out there in the blogosphere.

"Keys, stance and the way he debates bought back some bad memories from my schooldays.
Keys posturing and aggressive body language at the “show me the money” moment reminded me of a school bully.
And the monkey metaphor is not far off. Gibboons and chimps use the same sort of dominance display.
The same sort of inaccurate and hurtful taunting that bullies use.
Far too many of his followers remind me of the miserable sycophantic gits who used to follow the bully around at high school.
The constant repetition of a taunt that he knew to be wrong, makes Key a blatant lair. Goff is entirely accurate. Key constantly makes things up when debating, knowing memories of the debate will have faded long before it is corrected.
I sure Goff was too flabbergasted, at the bare faced bull, to respond.
and maybe taken aback by the threat display."


Shunda barunda said...

Because Robert, we all know that it is completely unreasonable to ask how the hell Labour could possibly deliver on the lolly scramble proposals.

If you are just playing the election 'game thing' then all well and good, but seriously, I don't think you believe half the stuff you write on this, you are not being consistent.

robertguyton said...

I didn't write that piece, Shunda. I saw it elsewhere and thought it added to the debate. I still do.