Saturday, November 5, 2011

Green battler's story shames Key and Bennett

Well this is interesting!
A story about the new Green candidates likely to enter Parliament if the support for the Green Party being reported at present continues through to polling day, describes the backgrounds of several of the candidates, including that of Bright Green, Holly Walker -

"Ms Walker has a story of overcoming the odds to rival that of Prime Minister John Key and his Social Development Minister Paula Bennett. From her beginnings as the daughter of a solo mum living in a council flat in the Hutt Valley she went on to a Rhodes scholarship and study at Oxford University.
However, she says she is loath to use her story for political gains as Mr Key and Ms Bennett have done by offering their achievements in pulling themselves up by their bootstraps as an example to others.
That, she says, is hard to swallow when some of their policies amount to kicking away the ladder they themselves ascended."


fredinthegrass said...

What a load of green rubbish,Rg, and you know it.
She could be using her own story to encourage others, for hers is an example of courage and self-belief, and as such spurs others to achieve. It is a matter of opinion whether the ladder 'has been removed', but the real worth of her life so far needs to be shared with others to show "you can do it - you can get there".

robertguyton said...

She said she was loathe to use her story for political gains, Fred.
She didn't say she wouldn't use her story to encourage others.
I guffawed at Key bringing up his 'solo mother/state house' story again in the Leaders Debate.
How lame.

fredinthegrass said...

Come on, Rg. If thats all it takes to make you guffaw then I feel sorry for you.
"Using her story for political gain" is rubbish. I take no notice of where JK came from if I choose to back him today. It is because of his policies today and where I believe those policies can take us.
People will not back Holly Walker because of where she came from - but from what she offers today and the self-belief she has in that offering.
I might not agree with her politics, but I can admire her will and drive to back her beliefs.

robertguyton said...

I'm not suggesting that what you think of Key's up-bringing is important, Fred, it's the fact that Key uses it as a political tool to garner sympathy and votes. He talked about it again during the debate. Key uses his 'story' for political gain. Holly says she won't. I admire her for that.

fredinthegrass said...

Its the w/e so lets just agree to differ. I value the opportunity to listen to your opinion even if I don't agree with it very often. Life without difference and reasonable debate would be a tad dull.

robertguyton said...

I so agree Fred.