Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two faces of John Key

A keen-eyed reader sent me these two images and asked me if I thought there was a similarity.
What do you think?

Reginald Perrin, meet John Key - John, Reggie, Reggie, John.

(Hat-tip Decay).


travellerev said...


Anonymous said...


Viv said...


Shunda barunda said...

You really hate this guy don't you Robert.

A question for you.

Has there ever been a politician right of centre that you did have any respect for?, if so, who?

Anonymous said...

And what would you look like, Robert, after someone had tried to leap into the debating chamber shouting your name? You seem to be an example of how emotional overinvestment in your political choice (whatever it might be) warps your judgement as a human being.

Lofty said...

Bobby your obsession is distinctly unhealthy my boy.
It is starting to make you look ugly, never mind the silly photos.

Robert (away from home) said...

travellerev - glad to be of some use to you today.

Anonymous - are you sendiing your message from the Institute for the Blind (Braile keyboard)?

Viv - I reckon so too!

Shunda - no, I don't. This post is for fun. I have admired several roc politicians - Catherine Rich was one. I'll get back to you on this if you are really interested. At the moment I'm on a friend's computer and under pressure to go an eat at a restuarant.

Anonymous@4:09 - what crap - I certainly wouldn't be rolling my eyes like a petulant child, nor would I be making throat-slitting gestures in the House, as John Key did.

Lofty - you know I'm right though. The man is unpleasant.

Shunda barunda said...

Yes Robert, I am genuinely interested.

robertguyton said...

Well Shunda (back home now - we ate at a Chinese restuarant and it was lovely - I'm wanting to write about it - maybe during the England/France game, if it's dull :-) There have been glimpses of humanity from some National MPs at times, though I note that Brash dispatched them to the Gulag for being that way. Some right-wing ideas are good too, though those generally get mashed down by the National Party machine whenever they rear their reasonable heads. I don't collect the names of those I think have balanced, society-friendly thinking, though I suppose I should and haven't talked about any other right-winger the way I do Key. I don't find him at all credible and despair when I see others accepting stuff from him that rings hollow to me. I spent time today, challenging our local National Party MP, Eric Roy, as he spoke to the assembly at the Transition Town Festival, about lignite mining. He invited me to speak to his claims, and I did. I asked why his Government had ignored the findings of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment where she said, 'leave it in the ground'. He was not able to explain, other than to say, we need diesel. That simplifies our exchange somewhat :-) I mention that only to show that in reality, I am happy to talk with National Party MPs, not just lampoon Key, as I've done in this post.

Marg B said...

Some of us are rising above 20th Century petty personality politics. R G and the U S A are lagging behind. The concept is in this new era ....where ever you put your thoughts and energies good or bad that feeds that where ever. Any publicity you give J K gives all his supporters an opportunity to say how wonderful he is again,, and as they say, any publicity is good publicity anyway. My suggestion talk about J K as much as you would talk about one single grain of sand. Otherwise I will think you secretly envious of him!

robertguyton said...

Marg B - I concur. I don't doubt that you are correct. I'll try much harder not to revel in trying to make the opposition look bad. The message from the vegan from Invercargill that came in last night said the same thing, so that's added weight to your advice :-)

Anonymous said...

Will enjoy your blog much more if you follow through as I was tiring of your obsession and BTW the only images of him I was seeing in my life, time and time again, was on your blog,

robertguyton said...

Sorry to have hurt your eyes, Anonymous.