Friday, October 7, 2011


Picnic in the orchard

Join us tomorrow (Sunday) at the West Plains heritage apple orchard, for a 'tidy-up around the young trees' and a picnic amongst the blossoms.
We are feeding the new orchard with any manures we can get, so if you have some donkey, pony, sheep or chicken poo to spare, or seaweed if you're near the beach, bring it along and feed the tree of your choice!
We arrive at 2:00pm and will stay til 4:00pm. The orchard is in Geoff Genge's Marshwood Gardens, on Leonard Road.
Bring your camera and afternoon tea and be part of the heritage orchard movement.


H Stewart said...

Hi Robert, I approve and do it and enjoy unfortunatly my day will not do that. My day will be spent on MV Rena.

robertguyton said...

Yeah, good luck with that H! It looks very bad from here, and probably worse from where you are. Down here, were are facing a new bacteria spreading through our freshwater fishes (lamprey first, perhaps the trout next) but that pales into insignificance beside a massive oil spill at sea.