Saturday, October 8, 2011

Soper spills Roy's oil!

Nice effort, Leslie. Didn't know you had it in ya!
Blighted future indeed!
And it's a variation on a theme :-)

(Hat-tip The Standard)


Paddy said...

If that is the best Labour can do, then god help them. It's puerile, and another reason why their electorate candidate will finish third, maybe even fourth in voting at this year's shindig.

robertguyton said...

I don't think that it is, Paddy, the best that Labour can do that is. Quite funny though, and edgier than I expected from Leslie Soper. The subtle change from 'brighter' to 'blighted' is pretty clever, to my mind.

Anonymous said...

Why is she advertising $15 a ho?

Just because Liabour legalised prostitution I don't think it's a good look for candidates to openly advertise, and at such cheap rates.


robertguyton said...

Hey, paranormal, you do trite and puerile better than I do! Respect.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you RG - that is a real compliment.
