Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Jackal spills Parata's oil.

On 13 April, Hekia Parata said:
Maritime New Zealand is responsible for ensuring New Zealand is prepared for, and able to respond to, marine oil spills. The Marine Pollution Response Service consists of internationally respected experts who manage and train a team of around 400 local government and Maritime New Zealand responders. New Zealand has equipment and other stores strategically located around New Zealand. In addition, the Marine Pollution Response Service assists regional councils with exercise and oil spill equipment. The plan is responsive and is regularly evaluated to ensure it meets changing risk profiles.
Somebody should question Parata about why the internationally respected experts have to be flown in from overseas and she effectively misled the house?

(Hat-tip - The Jackal on Frogblog)


Dave Kennedy said...

How many times do National have to say "trust us, we know what we're doing" and then completely stuff up before New Zealanders realize how just how competent (or incompetent) they are.

Dave Kennedy said...

? - forgot the Question mark above. :-)