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Monday, October 10, 2011


That's the on-line name for a political commenter who has been around ever since I first dipped my green toe into the blogosphere, and he's someone with whom I've never agreed. In fact, I've attracted some very unflattering words from him in the past. He appears to loathe anyone from the Left, calling them Commies, Socialists and worse, and giving them no quarter. Today, I read a comment from Redbaiter on another blog, where he commented on John Key's response to the MV Rena and the building ecological disaster off shore from Tauranga. In the spirit of openess and fairness, I'd like to post his comment here, on a blog that he's never going to visit and would be scathing of if ever he did chance by. Curiously, his sentiments echo mine :-)

Redbaiter said...
Damn right, and I can't buy any more of this bullshit about Key having some kind of commercial or business acumen. Nobody with real experience in business would be saying right now that "we need to find out why the boat hit the rock". This comes after. The issue now is repairing the situation, either getting the boat off or whatever. Recriminations, finger pointing and blame should come later. Key is just a two bit Foreign Exchange dealer who made a few good deals. As a PM, he's completely useless."


Suz said...

Sorry Robert, but I'm struggling to see what you're trying to achieve by quoting the infamous, vitriolic Redbaiter on this site; I understand "my enemies enemy is my friend" but seriously, do you think your readers are going to be impressed/influenced by this post? Or possibly disappointed you'd feel compelled to show-case this guy.

robertguyton said...

Not showcase him Suz - he's pretty way out there in terms of reasoned commentary, but just an interesting juxtaposition I thought. Sometimes the oddest of planets align...

Keeping Stock said...

Robert; surely you realise that even Genghis Khan himself would be too moderate for Red.

Personally, I think that if John Key is getting up the noses of far-righties like RB and far-lefties like you simultaneously, then he's doing a bloody good job!

robertguyton said...

I do know where Redbaiter sits, Inv2 - most likely on something that aches day and night, judging by his beligerent manner :-)
I don't think Mr Key is having very good sleeps right now. The sound of his pigeons coming home to roost is keeping him awake.

Shane Pleasance said...

Do you not think that a government - ANY government - that has the ability to polarise it's own citizens so strongly, has too much power?

robertguyton said...

Polarized? I thought you were declaring yourself an 'mini-ice-ager', Shane.
You make a good point. Extremes of view are not the sign of a successful society, though blaming a particular Government draws a long bow. Blaming government is perhaps more appropriate, or at least forms of government. I'm sure you have the solution though, Shane.
I do think though, that opposite view points create a necessary creative tension and that's important in any system. Extreme views though, are generally non-productive, where they cement the holder into a position that they cannot move from.

Anonymous said...

Poor Redbaiter, with a post like yours RG - there goes his credibility and with it his membership of the VRWC. I hope you feel proud of yourself Robert bringing a long standing member like Red down...


robertguyton said...

It's always been my mission, para. Never thought it would be so easy.

Suz said...

Dad4Justice next? :)

robertguyton said...

I'll drop him a line. We go way back.

PM of NZ said...

"on another blog"

So you're a lurker?

robertguyton said...

Sorry PMofNZ, I should have credited you from the outset. Yours is a truly magnificent blog and everyone should visit it, to read such comments as Redbaiter provided on the day I lurked by.