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Saturday, September 10, 2011

When there's an oil spill

The Southland Times used that title for my letter to oil man John Pfahlert. They must have sent it through to him for his response, but none accompanied my letter.
No matter. Mr Pfahlert is coming to talk to our council soon. I'll ask him then.

Petroleum Exploration and Production Association executive officer John Pfahlert has misunderstood my question about drilling for oil in the Great South Basin, though I kept it pretty simple.
  He thought I'd asked for assurance that there would be no oil spills from the drilling that's planned for the waters around our coast and quite rightly said he couldn't give it, but I'd not asked for that.
  I was keen to know, and still am, what the drilling companies would do if there was a serious spill.
Would they mop it up with woollen booms? Spray it with dispersant like they did in the Gulf of mexico? Set fire to it? Call the coastguard? Run for cover?
  If Mr Pfahlert (or Mr Jager from ShellNZ) could tell me that, my simple question would be answered and I'd be very grateful.


jabba said...

"John Pfahlert has misunderstood my question"
Well Booby, he would be the only person confused about the rubbish you say

robertguyton said...

He would?
You're not?

jabba said...

Well, we understand your weird hypercritical ways bOb whereas he wouldn't know you from a bar of soap

robertguyton said...

He will soon jabba. We are to meet on a professional basis. Then he'll be able to tell me from a bar of soap.

Dave Kennedy said...

He'll probably come up with the claim that they will use best practice in the event of an accident. This is reassuring until you realize that "best practice" in the oil industry doesn't come close to "effective practice" in the event of an actual spill.

The word verification characters for this comment inadvertently came up with a brilliant word "suckth", surely a good description of the oil industry's assurances, they suckth!

robertguyton said...

Perhaps you too would like to meet Mr Pfahlert bsprout?
He's in Invercargill soon. I can let you know.

jabba said...

you anti oil guys are such a hoot

robertguyton said...

'Anti oil-spill disaster guys'