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Friday, August 5, 2011

Whipping Goff

There's a great deal of righteous indignation being churned on the better-known Right-wing blogs just now, over Phil Goff's claim that he wasn't consulted properly over the events surrounding the Christchurch earthquake and the Israeli backpackers, rescue teams and other 'persons of interest'. I'm of the opinion that the constant grinding-away at Goff is a strategy from National that aims to narrow the contest to Key and Goff (the Leaders Only Head to Head is the manifestation of this strategy)and is coupled with the constant criticism that Goff is subject to on all manner of issues.
I'm sticking my neck out and sharing this view on some of those blogs that throw these anti-Goff 'stories' up daily and am attracting some stern responses. I'd like to pick a few and paste them here, for the sake of entertainment. While I wait for them to amass, here's the comment I made on Home Paddock this morning: I know, the topic is fairly droll, but there you are, that's what passes for political discourse these days :-)

"This election, according to Key, is all about which man, himself or Goff, should be Prime Minister. It’s not about parties, policy, performance, it’s about personality, ’cause Key said so.
It’s vital to Key and to National, that that’s how it is. Any comparisons between party’s policies is dangerous territory for National. It’s vital to the success of National at the coming election that we just focus on Key and Goff. That being the case, it’s essential to Key that Goff’s image is severely damaged before the head to head debates even begin. Efforts by National and it’s supporters in the media and on these blogs all centres around destroying Goff’s credibility at every turn. The un-Godly anti-Goff clamour that’s being emitted from the right-wing blogs now and has been coming from them for months, is the manifestation of that strategy.
It’s not hard to see and describe. Anyone with an open mind could consider it as a reasonable explanation and comment intelligently on it"


fredinthegrass said...

For a length of time political comment in New Zealand was limited to the main-stream-media (MSM).
It was generally one-sided with a distinct left lean.
In more recent times the 'blogging'' phenomena came upon us - with disastrous effects on the left. Now both sides of a story get coverage and comment. I sense the left are distinctly uncomfortable with this, so - and more to them for doing it - have come out swinging. Unfortunately this has reduced the debate's depth and meaning to a slanging match which serves only to edify the slangers,

robertguyton said...

I remain steadfastly unedified by the slanging Fred, though I do enjoy it. It'll surprise you to learn that I have a policy of never initiating personal fights where names are called, pedigrees are read etc but will, after sufficient provocation, join the fray. Today's Homepaddock stoush degenerated quickly from what I hold to be a sincere discussion about the startegy being used by National, into squabbling, as it is prone to do. In my opinion, the National Party are using their 'embedded' bloggers Slater, Farrar and to a lesser extent the likes of Homepaddock and wanna-be Keeping Stock, to whip up the kind of chatter that serves their strategy well. It's working a treat. I like to provide counterpoint to that shilling but it's of no earthly use and seems only to irritate the true believers. However, it is 'fun with words' and for the moment, I'm in. Once the abuse reaches a certain level, I withdraw but til that time...

paulinem said...

I agree I agree. I am personally sick of poster boy smarting his way so much these days, in the media Lately hes behaving like a pathetic school boy who enjoys being centre of attention ... re Goff he such total a contrast to Key all the pro national blogs are doing is giving Goff more votes ...The Israeli saga shows I am right about Key he's all image no substance when it comes to the reality. I agree lets hear more about policy such as I would like to see with SE announcement yesterday of plans next year to set up a lignite to urea plant.

I plan to write a letter to ST asking the three main parties to come out and declare themselves with SE plans and particularly there thinking re non notified consents...and like you Robert I really would like to be given an example of a good restored open cast mine.

robertguyton said...

Excellent pauline - I look forward to your letter(s). You may find yourself stonewalled, as is the modern way, but well chosen questions, even if un-answered, can turn a wavering mind or switch on the pilot light that becomes the flame.

fredinthegrass said...

It does not surprise me you "dont initiate" personal fights, and it may surprise you that it does not bother me when poke a bit of 'borax' , but I remain concerned that you let yourself be drawn into a vitriolic stoush at times - I have an higher opinion of you.
I also remain firm in the views I espoused at the start of this post - the left are rattled by the wider debate possible in blogosphere. Pauline, please dont waver from your beliefs to spend time belittling the PM. He may not be your favorite person, but he treads a difficult path in keeping NZ afloat at the moment.

robertguyton said...

Point taken Fred and I appreciate your candid comments. I'll see what I can do.

viv said...

Hey fredinthegrass, I usually read SF novels when I want a break from reality, but your comment re the PM "treads a difficult path in keeping NZ afloat at the moment."
sure gave me a laugh.

A friend told me that John Key prefered to run to his car outside the Dunedin Stadium this morning, rather than tread the path that led to 200 student demonstrators.

Paulinem & Robert, I missed the SE announcement yesterday (or perhaps the ODT didn't carry it?) Keep up the good work.

robertguyton said...

Thanks viv - I'll post the STimes article if I can find it.

paulinem said...

Fred yes economically we are in bother ..real big bother going by the reports today from overseas ..But All English/ Keys can suggest to get us out of our economic difficulty is to borrow borrow and more borrow on the never never...or sale our assets ( most likely to the Chinese) which my and most NZers grandparents my parents etc worked hard to gain ensure we have for our needs such as the electricity generated ..Or destroy our best farmland to send the dirtest most polluted coal on the planet to China.

Are you aware Fred that this govt borrowed nine BILLION from the US treasury in about 2009 ( so if you wonder why we are so over the top sucking up to US interests when a lender lends money it comes with a price..our sovereignty!!! Why else are our military in Afghanistan!!

Fred there are other ways to pay for CHch and other major govt expenditure needed ie Reserve bank credit( create the money we need) we used this economic tool before and it was a great success in getting us out of quite an economic hole. As long as its done in a responsible controlled manner there is nothing wrong with it as a economic tool... I assure you this is how the US treasury was able to lend us the 9 Billion .. What I know as a average Kiwi you cannot continue borrowing on the never never ..and Labour as I understand it promises us this is not how they will economically run the country.