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Saturday, July 30, 2011


I pruned the hazel copse and called it coppicing. This is the third year this clump has been cut and the process seems to be a sustainable one. These wands are looking good; tall, straightish and un-branched. I've a bevy of them leaned up against the birch, curing.


Anonymous said...

Is that three years on a row Robert? What year did you start?

robertguyton said...

Ummmm..I think so yes. 2009 most likely but the hazel was planted 3 years earlier. I didn't start coppicing until the trunk was reasonably thick. I've a number of others 'on the production line' as well and they're doing really well. I'm trying wineberry (makomako), lacebark and tree fuchsia as well, for poles and firewood. I have my eye on the huge rhododendron that has grown here for maybe 70 years. I'm planning to cut the limbs, reverse them and construct a kind of yurty, wharerau thing.