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Friday, July 1, 2011

Green candidate lashes Brash

Invercargill Green candidate Dave Kennedy's not afraid to call a bigot a bigot and hasn't pulled his punches in calling Don (Dodo) Brash  on his pinch-nosed comments to Federated Farmers recently.
Two extracts from Mr Kennedy's Local Bodies blog sum up his feelings toward the creaking old Act leader:

'Brash has already exposed his limited understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi and I have challenged the not so subtle racism behind his "one law for all" statement previously in this blog. He may have staged a corporate take over of a minor political party, but it is still possible he could sit within the caucus of the next government and his flawed thinking may have influence. Heaven help us......"

"The other bizarre claim Brash made was around climate change, he is a total denier who claims the science is inconclusive, and his lack of concern about the ramifications of a warming planet was almost infantile."


Chairperson said...

Hes got my vote

robertguyton said...

Don't forget the Party vote as well Chair :-)