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Monday, May 16, 2011

From Golden Bay to Grubby Bay.

I've just returned from Nelson where I saw a large group of local people lined up along Tahunanui beach, protesting the proposals by Greywolf Mining to drill and dig for fossil fuels in the waters and along the coast of a bay named...Golden. I wonder why it was named thus? Could it have been for the black oil and coal that perhaps lies below its gorgeous surface? Unlikely. The people on the beach could probably tell us why they turned out to deny Greywolf their desire to get stuck into the bay.
The Greywolf spokesperson I saw salivating on the TV news tonight has chosen the company he works for well - he was wolf-like in his desire to mine 'perhaps trillions of dollars' from the Golden Bay.
They're all over the show, aren't they, the be-suited mining reps, touting their extractive businesses, talking up the wealth they say we are sitting on. Even our own Minister for Irrigation talks on his website of water as 'liquid gold'. Greed runs amok in New Zealand it seems to me.
Liquid gold - has the man not read the tale of King Midas?
Wolves at our door - it's all getting very mythical.


HappyzineCharlotte said...

Golden Bay - Mohua (yellowhead) plus also the gold they dug up and of course the golden sand beaches.

They will not abuse this area again Rob - already forces are mobilising and i can assure you that they will be stopped in the bay.

Next time you are up this way pop over the hill for a catch up.

Marty Mars said...

Arohamai rob - last comment from me using charlottes lappy

robertguyton said...

Hi Marty - I'm very glad to hear you say that - the golden sand beaches are where I spent my childhood summers and I'd never want to hear that they've been ruined by an oil spill.
I hoped to go over the hill this time around but circumstances dictated otherwise but next time I certainly will.

gecko said...

cFreaky photo Rob,Perfect for the people you are refering too! looking foreward to joining local protests coming up nelson way,

robertguyton said...

Morning sis. The wolf's eyes should be Chinese, given that Greywolf are fronting for them.
The weather here is still lousy :-)