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Thursday, November 18, 2010

THANK YOU taxpayer!

$50 million!
Were they not insured???
* Update: Todays paper reports that the disease is unlikely to affect the expected $14 million pay rise expected for growers this year.
Well that's alright then.
They won't need taxpayer money as a bailout.


Poppy said...

I felt disappointed when I heard the 'solution' for the kiwifruit 'disease' was a payout by the Government - we missed a huge potential here for us to 'learn that we cannot continue to live in disharmony with nature' - this is how we create disease. Going into conflict with the disease using more sprays to get rid of it only creates more disharmony. There has been no responsibility taken by the growers themselves - they've just asked for money to fix it - this has not and will never be a solution. In my view - here was a huge opportunity for us to 'tap into our deeper intelligence' - so what sort of disease will we create now to again try and learn to work with nature - foot and mouth!!

robertguyton said...

You're asking a lot of the kiwifruit growers Poppy.
Perhaps it's an incremental thing and we should be encouraging them to start by going organic, then plant their understoreys out with apiaceaea, diversifying their crop and so on...
I'm sure they'll be happy to forego the huge profits they now enjoy for the sake of the industry and the environment - you think?

Poppy said...

I'm always the optimist Robert that we can learn from our past and not repeat it over and over again. But if we choose not to accept responsibility that we create our own reality; then we will remain stuck in old consciousness and out of harmony with nature. Often the loss of money/profit is a huge catalyst for this change to take place.

robertguyton said...

You are right Poppy.
Financial ruin is a great attention getter and behaviour changer, though there are some who will climb back out of that pit and start all over again!