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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shaping spar gadd in the jaws of a clamping horse.

At Saturday's garage sale we unearthed a wonderful book called 'Traditional Country Craftsmen that I've been browsing ever since. It's illustrated wih photographs of craftsmen crafting stuff with materials and tools we don't often see these days.
I love the captions that accompany the photos. Here are some.

"Earnest Sims bending scythe sneads"
"Splitting a willow log with beetle and froe"
"Harry Wells with his homemade tining horse"
"Smoothing the rake handle with a draw shave. The handle is clamped in the jaws of a clamping horse"
"Weaving chissies"
"Trimming a completed five peck scuttle"
"Shaping spar gadd"

By now you'll be getting the picture. What a book!

One in particular that fascinated me showed stacks of what looked like tiles, stacked up in a field somewhere, like chimneys or tall bee-hives. The caption however read:

"Seasoning clog soles ready for transport to the clog making factories of the North of England".

When I get the chance, I'll read the book from cover to cover. Better than the Hobbit!


Nick said...

I'd love to read it once you're done Robert! Some of those names rang a bell though others are seriously cryptic to my ears. Much on blacksmithing?

robertguyton said...

Sure thing Nick, I'll get it to you one way or another.
Met a bright young City councilor recently, in Dunners. She looks to have a future in the industry, providing she can counter the ol' boys and whatever weight the city brings to bear upon her. I reckon she's up to it!

Anonymous said...

Could be a good place to pick up some of them old skills...

Sustainable Skills Summer School

sustainable skills summer school - Transition Town Oamaru 15 Jan - 23 Jan

robertguyton said...

Thanks very much anon from Oamaru.
I'm going to check those out. We're growing basket willows already and have coppiced hazels coming on strongly. Sweet chestnut too and we're trying bamboo but haven't yet found the best variety for down here I think. Also papyrus, raupo and giant dahlia, which have interesting stems.

nick said...

That bright young City councillor spoke of a patient, smart Regional councillor from southland who pushed his notes away! Good one. If the industry has a future, she'll meet it.

Also, incase you missed