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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brilliant day

Another great day in the South.
Grafted a small orchard of apple trees, planted two heritage pear trees, forked-up a potato patch in readiness for planting, watched a pair of grey warblers tumble about mid-air, wrote a bit, planned for the next workshop (at Winton), moved Ogon (where's he gone??)
Snow, they say, is on the way.
What a day, oh what a day!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a good life down there Mr Guyton. Good for you.

Snow, bring it on!


Ruahines said...

Kia ora Robert,
When the sky is blue these days you just have to enjoy. And there is no blue sky like the blue sky in Aotearoa.

Anonymous said...

I spent the day removing billboards :)

robertguyton said...

It's true anon, we do and thanks!
Are you secretly Santa?

robertguyton said...

Kia ora Robb - good to hear from you again!
That's a great blue isn't it.
(I have it as my desktop background as a constant reminder that I'm wasting time inside)
My wife a daughter tramped into the Aparima Hut the day before yesterday and had a great time. Soon, we're all heading for the Green Lakes near Lake Monowai.
I'll write it up, in the way you do so well!

robertguyton said...

Hope you did that in a respectful way Bio!
Any funny moustaches or spectacles crayoned on?

Poppy said...

I've been away for a few weeks and on my return yesterday was looking out for 'new sculptures' that had mysteriously appeared out of the depths of the sea - but alas I didn't spot any! If you're looking for a new spot for Ogon Robert, I'd be very honoured to share my garden with him/her!!

robertguyton said...

Poppy - Waynes newest and biggest driftwood sculpture is going up on Sunday morning at the Viewing Platform as part of the 350 event (umbrellas at noon - 10th of the 10th). Come on down, bring umbrellas and friends and join the rest of us. Come earlier if you want to help set Wayne's art up - it's big!