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Monday, July 12, 2010

Give us what we want, or the river gets it!

Fonterra want Southland to upgrade it's power supply, saying that unless it's done and done soon, the rivers will run white with dumped milk.

"The plant is run by coal and electricity, but needs both in unison to dry the milk into powder and to run such things as the computers and machines"
"Fonterras submission says the upgrade to the power grid is necessary to protect against the potential environmental impact of dumping milk during a power outage"

Fonterra, with their high standards of environmental stewardship clearly care deeply about polluting. It's a shame that their own farms and factories are the source of the pollution they want to protect our environment from!

Solid Energy (Coal Corp) throw their weight in too, because they'll need gobs of power for their Lignite-to-Greenhouse gases plant.

The Times article that reports these 'developments' closes by saying,
"A decision on the proposal is expected in the next month and will be final unless a public conference is called for."


Anonymous said...


robertguyton said...

My thoughts exactly Bioneer!
Lignite or Lignite-mare?
It shall be done.