Saturday, September 30, 2017

Opportunistic stream

For some curious reason, a section of roadside guttering on State Highway 99 nearby to where I live, has a stream of water constantly flowing along it. It's strange and I've never before seen a gutter used in this way; as a kind of open channel to direct water from a property. It's interesting to observe. The water always runs clear, which is encouraging, though as it's so shallow, algae grows as soon as the water temperature rises. Every now and then, the slime disappears, perhaps because of a cold snap, or maybe the road sweeper brushes it away. I'm watching to see if any creatures appear in the 'stream' - they'd need to hang on, it's quite swift. I can imaging a small fish or three in there; perhaps a torrent fish or an inanga. Certainly, I wouldn't be surprised to see an elver. 


Bioneer said...

The street sweeper wouldn't come more than once a month would it?

Btw im on a diffferent computer on a different wifi network and your blog is still the only page that shows a full 3minutes of blank before loading...

robertguyton said...

Thanks, Bo. I'm kinda working on it...

robertguyton said...

Bio. Working on my proof reading as well :-)