Monday, May 12, 2014

This is encouraging

Small houses are exciting to me. This award-winning 'fort' is a lovely example of a modest structure that sits lightly in the landscape. 


Armchair Critic said...

Arrrgh, no!!! It's a box, and it's horrible. All it serves to do is inspire me to never engage the architect responsible.

robertguyton said...

It's a fort! Every boy wants a fort!
Perhaps it lacks the usual appeal, yes., but it's small and uses space very efficiently. Not enough to excuse its austere look?

Armchair Critic said...

I've known boys who don't want forts; they are, after all, for the martially inclined. And no, there's no excusing its austere look. The box in which I store my firewood, which doubles as a seat on my front porch, is prettier. It's like all the humanity that usually goes into dwellings for people was forgotten or, worse, deliberately left out. Sorry to go on, but when I saw it in the news this morning I thought to myself "Oh god, not another box in which to house someone - didn't we have enough of that when Judith Collins decided to house prisoners in containers?"

robertguyton said...

Double-bunked too. Maurice and she now share a dog-box, quite rightly. I know a man who's built himself a look-out tower that looks similar, only taller. He's no soldier, he just likes to look out. Certainly the 'box' is not pretty, from this angle anyway, but it has features inside that make it desirable. That said, I'd build very differently and would prefer to live in something that looked like a seed-pod, if it had to be compact. I'm no plank-guy, more shelly.