I've been manufacturing various 'points of interest' to accompany the Victorian garb that makes up the base for my Steampunk costume. Yesterday, I finished the walking-stick and the photo shows the tail-light addition to the simple oak stick I'd adapted for the purpose. The lens is especially appealing, I think, as it's of a quality that's not seen now-a-days. I've also made some jewellery! Combining an old bulb with thin copper sheet (wing covers) and two slivers of celluloid that I've cut into the shape of wings, I've made a fat beetle, preparing for flight. I'm pretty happy with it, not being a jeweller and all. I'll photograph the beetle and post that for those of you who share my interest in Steampunk jewellery :-) I'm in the city at present and have been searching-out bits and bobs for the 'sun-flower' brooch I'm making from the old copper dog-tags I collected in my twenties. Bought a whittling-knife too, so when the Oamaru festival is done and dusted, I'll be able to get on with carving my spoon...
Like :) What kind of spoon are you starting on?
Greenwood, probably sycamore - easily carved and no great loss if I muck it up :-)
Soup spoon, though tapered, not circular.
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