Tuesday, February 25, 2014

8%? Nah.

Indeed, Fambo. There are a lot of young people who vote Green who don’t use landlines any more (so very 20thy century!, so who are invisible to the main polling firms – except Roy Morgan.
And predictably, the last few polls had the Greens sitting over 10%;
Roy Morgan poll: 6 – 19 January 2014: 12.5%
Roy Morgan poll: 20 Jan – 2 Feb 2014: 11%
Roy Morgan poll: 25 Nov – 9 Dec 2013: 14.5%
Roy Morgan poll: Sept 30-Oct 13, 2013: 12.5%
Roy Morgan poll: Sept 16-29, 2013: 11.5%
Roy Morgan Poll: Aug 26 – Sept 8, 2013: 15%
Roy Morgan Poll: July 29 – Aug 11, 2013: 14%
So – 8%?! Yeah, nah.
Rating: +8 (from 12 votes)


Unknown said...

I guess we have to wait and see what the next few polls show. It is such a dramatic change from other polling that I hope that means it's an aberration.

I must be missing out on whatever food additive makes people prefer John Key. I do not understand why anyone trusts him.

robertguyton said...

There is no doubt in my mind, corokia green, that our support is as strong as ever.
Those who trust Key cannot be helped, in my experience, to see him any other way.

Unknown said...

National must be keeping their fingers and toes crossed that the public image of Key doesn't lose it's shine before the election.

It's the selfishness of the Right that gripes with me. I read comments somewhere that the Left want what's best for the community and the Right want what's best for their families and the commenter claimed both were noble values. I consider putting you and yours ahead of everyone else selfish, not noble. And putting you and yours above sustaining a viable biosphere is not only selfish, but downright stupid.
Viv Kerr

Paranormal said...

And CG, the fact you have no understanding of what makes the country tick shows why you are so anti 'right' thinking. My so called 'right' views come from what's best for the country and ultimately best for communities, families and individuals. The left seem to think the government can create stuff - like jobs, businesses, communities etc. It doesn't. It only creates the environment for businesses, communities etc. to do their own thing.

As for the polls, the Greens are facing a slide in support. Norman and Turei's performances have not been good. Particularly the revelations around Dot-Com. Traditional supporters are uncomfortable with the change in direction that Norman promotes. Whilst you might be happy with the attack the man not play the ball approach, but it's not a goer.

The only thing in the Greens favour at present is disorder within the Liarbour camp. Look out if they ever get sorted because you'll see your support wither on the vine.

I still see the next election as Nationals to lose. The left just don't have it together enough to satisfy swinging voters they can manage the country. At present it looks like they can't even manage themselves.

Unknown said...

Paranormal I expressed my opinion and you come back with a series of things that YOU claim I and other Green supporters believe.
YOU have decided that I have no understanding of what makes the country tick.
YOU said the left seem to think the government can create stuff.
YOU claimed I am happy with the attack the man not play the ball approach.
YOU claim the only thing in the Greens favour at present is disorder within the “Liarbour” camp.
YOU claim Russel Norman is promoting a change in direction.
None of these have any basis in reality.
I also doubt you are informed as to what traditional Green supporters think .

robertguyton said...

Classic Paranormal, I'm afraid, corokia green - projecting his insecurities and prejudices onto you and the party you align with. It's a behaviour that bedevils commentators that regularly use such forums as Homepaddock to bolster their own dis-ease. His opinion of how the Greens are doing, how our leaders are behaving, how the voters who support the Greens are thinking are so wide of the mark as to be laughbale. I laugh. I suggest you laugh too. It's better than trying to right Paranormal's wrong :-)

Paranormal said...

And you can add to the above CG that your reading comprehension is lacking.

The only thing I attributed to you was a lack of understanding on how the country works. You seem to have taken the inference the rest of the post was about you personally. You're most welcome to take them personally, but that's not how they were written.

I did go on to address your comment about what the Left want, referring to the Left, not you personally. If you find that offensive, that's your problem.

I have been a traditional green supporter in the past. The Greens are struggling in the polls now that there is more sunlight on their policies. The latest solar fiasco is a fine example.

The analysis above is purely to provide balance to the greenwash you are promoting and is relevant for this point in time. Looking at public perception of the Greens in this term would perhaps provide more context to my comments.

The term started with Norman seen as the defacto leader of the opposition. That has changed with Norman now seen as something other than the virtuous maestro of politics you think he is. Perhaps I would have been more accurate to say "it currently seems as if the only thing going right for the greens is the dysfunction within Liarbour". You will suffer at the polls if they ever get their finger out and become a real opposition party.

The true test will come at the election. On current form I will be surprised if the Greens get over 10% on election day.

Paranormal said...

Some facts then:

From the Greens website: https://www.greens.org.nz/greenjobs
"We have a practical economic plan that creates decent jobs,"

Green Party Values:
As a party and as members of that party, we aim to:
Engage respectfully, without personal attacks

"Green Party co-leader Russel Norman has made a sharp personal attack on Prime Minister John Key, "

robertguyton said...

Boo hoo, rascally Greens! They're just not what they used to be! Boo hoo!

Unknown said...

Excuse me Paranormal -regarding reading comprehension.
I used the words “you come back with a series of things that YOU claim I and other Green supporters believe.”
I did not say I found anything you said was offensive.
Where exactly have I been promoting greenwash?
Where did I say I thought Russel Norman was virtuous maestro of politics?
If you were a traditional Green supporter in the past and you are now uncomfortable with what you perceive as the direction Russel Norman is taking, fine, that’s YOUR opinion, but you can’t speak for others.

Unknown said...

Robert, I do find it funny that Paranormal says my reading comprehension is lacking . His responses to my comments are very similar to the responses I used to get when I commented at HP.

Many who commented there would claim I believed all sorts of things . Paranormal’s comment today “That has changed with Norman now seen as something other than the virtuous maestro of politics you think he is.”, is a classic example of that style. How on earth he got that from the comments I have made on this thread I have no idea. It was very frustrating to spend so much of the time over at HP saying “I never said I believed A, B or C, you said that, not me”.

As for playing the man not the ball, I am careful to avoid doing that, but was still accused of it by people who then called me stupid.

So, while there have been times when I wanted to respond

(like Tracey’s claim this week that 92% of people supported oil & gas drilling based on protest numbers. Totally absurd, especially from someone who told me that protesting was not the way to change things, and then appears to have decided that anyone who does not turn up a protest must therefore support a proposal. And after the Mayoral election where the 2 candidates who clearly stated they did not support off-shore drilling (Dave Cull and Aaron Hawkins) received nearly 5000 more votes than the other 7 candidates combined and submissions to council where 199 were against oil & gas drilling, 17 supportive & 12 neutral. 92% in favour –yeah right! )

But I decided that it wasn’t worth it , because based on past experience the commenters there would not respond logically, just like Paranormal today.

Viv :-)

robertguyton said...

Viv - you have them pinned perfectly and I admire you for having the strength of mind to declare your exit from the homepaddock and keep to your word. I slipped back for a last-blast, but regretted it. There has been, so far as I can see, not one millimetre of movement toward real understanding of my views, or yours, or Daves etc, in all the time we've plugged away there. Some people can tell at a glance that our efforts there would be wasted, as they were, and wondered at our naivety. Still, I've lost that desire entirely and won't re-engage, save for a bout of mocking, should their team really stuff something up. Crowing really annoys any opposition and I'm not above that :-)
It was the irrationality that got me, and the dunder-headed 'Robert thinks" nonsense that you allude to in your own case. What the hell is that*, with those Righties? Some sort of psychological blindness?

* answer - yes

Unknown said...

I couldn't say that it is just Righties who make up stuff about what they think others think (I expect there are some Lefties who do the same), but in my experience at HP I noted a lot of such comments directed at those of us who disagreed with Ele.

I always had a laugh when someone jumped in and made presumptions about AC, it was amusing to read AC's responses.

robertguyton said...

He's a clever guy. Subtle too. And not-at-all-subtle when need-be.