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Monday, January 6, 2014

17, 919 & 7,008 - both growing apace

These two youtube 'food forest' clips are continuing to attract attention (and good comments) but the question is, who's the down-thumber?


Armchair Critic said...

Down-thumbing is a waste of time and effort.

Armchair Critic said...

It is a poor substitute for an informed and useful comment, and is therefore a tool of the lazy and thoughtless. Most often the existence of a down-thumb is a reflection on the down-thumber and not the down-thumbed.
On that note, one down-thumb from about 10, 000 views is a phenomenally good success rate. Has there ever been a movie where only 0.01% of the viewers disliked it enough to click an icon on the internet to express their displeasure?
I'd not worry at all about the identity of the down-thumber, Robert, their opinion is unimportant.

robertguyton said...

I'll accept your advice, AC, as I so often do, because it is sound.
Truth to tell, I cared not one whit anyway.
Today's been crazy busy, with visitors from all over the world arriving here at my unsophisticated doorstep. Those two clips have a remarkable effect on our day to day life and what fascinating people they bring our way!