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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Keeping a lid on it

These are the leaves of mashua, a soft, clambering nasturtium vine from South America. I've grown it for years now, always calling it anu - I'm not sure why. In this picture, the mashua is spreading itself across the surface of the rainwater in a barrel that catches the rain that falls on the roof of the loft in which our visiting willing workers sleep. Often, these travellers from foreign climes arrive in pairs, mating pairs, I'm assuming. The tubers of mashua are reputedly libido-suppressant though I can't confirm that. I don't know whether the various young folk from America, Chile, Bulgaria etc can either, I'm not bold enough to ask them. Nor do I know if they ever nibble on the leaves, flowers or swollen roots of the enthusiast plant, though they might. I do say, how did you sleep, and they invariably answer, wonderfully, so perhaps the answer lies in that exchange. In any case, the rongoa's there if they need it.

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