Like me (see up-coming Southland Times letter), Nandor Tanzsos has 'stood up' for Russel's brave stand in the House, where he quoted from the Philippine climate spokesman, who called it as it is - AGW is causing dreadful human suffering, ALREADY. I support Russel and Nandor on this and am willing to put my view out there in the public domain. Bsprout thinks I'll be lambasted for doing so, but I'm willing to stand up and be counted. The National Government is failing New Zealanders and all humanity with their weak response and prevaricating on AGW and we 'little people' are right to speak out.
Letter to follow. I don't like to publish here before the Southland Times does, so will wait patiently.
In any case, here's what Nandor said, on Kiwiblog, a comment quickly buried by the other commenters there, unsurprisingly.
"At least someone had the decency to repeat what the Philippine government had to say about it. Saying you’re sorry but doing nothing about the problem is hypocrisy."
"Decency" .v. "Hypocrisy" - that's the fight, right there.
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